


6 years, 9 days ago



Name; Cyril
Age; Ancient
Gender; Male
Species; Vicarris
Orientation; Pansexual


• Cyril's family had a relationship with Shade ravens, often feeding them left over butter bread or prey. It's why such a large murder follows him now and is willing to protect him at all costs.
• Cyril lives around his old village, often bringing donated food and items to his family's grave sites.
• Always spares children and parents { if they're traveling with children } guiding them if lost and if they don't run from him.
• Has killed over 19 guard groups { a total of 5 - 7 individuals each } who have tried to purify him. Patrols often try to avoid him if they spot him out of genuine fear.
• Commoners know very little about Cyril, his true name has faded into obscurity and so has his history. He's mostly known via common knowledge about him, like how he's very old and powerful, or his folklore names "The shade keeper" and "omen" as well as the section of forest to avoid if you wish to not run into him. So much is unknown that some Vicarri don't even think he's real.
• Will "fake" his Soul Song to appear more threatening to strangers, but will often play his true song to his family's grave sites, very few have ever heard it.
• Only feeds if he is absolutely starving since he doesn't get any enjoyment out of killing others.
• Some living Vicarri worship Cyril, making him charms and erecting totems around his forest in secret. These Vicarri willingly lead others into the forest { including children, which is how many end up lost in the first place } for Cyril to eat hoping it appeases him. Cyril thinks the totems and charms are ugly, but food and items get dropped at them, so he doesn't burn them to the ground for ruining some of his favorite sections of forest.
• Shade ravens act as scouts, whispering to Cyril the location of prey, guards, and Corvo if he's near.
• Cyril does eat normal food because he enjoys the taste, though it never satiates him.


Cyril is a very old Vicarris, living out his endless days in the dark wood. Not much is known about him, so little in fact that some common folk don't believe he really exists, but he is very real and very dangerous. While most if not all Vicarri believe Cyril is a cold and unfeeling decrepit monster this is only partially true. He grew up in a now engulfed village near the edge of the wood where he stayed all his life. He grew up with his childhood sweet heart Eris and eventually they were able to get a child created after them, they named her Mei. They lived a fairly happy life for many years, though Cyril was the only hunter in his village so he was gone often, retrieving prey to bring to the butcher, and effectively feeding the majority of his home town on his own. He still came home as often as he could though and loved his family more than anything, often bringing new seeds home to Eris and Mei that he'd find in the dark wood for they loved to garden and sometimes the seeds would be things like fruit trees and vegetables / herbs. A few of the villagers pined for Eris though and were jealous of Cyril, effectively then making their own mates upset and jealous of Eris. One day very abruptly an older lady killed her and attempted to kill her child by fatally wounding her and dropping her in the dark wood to try and make it look like a Fiend attack. Cyril was out hunting and when he came home to the gruesome scene, neighbors surrounding his house, he immediately realized Mei was gone and he ran after her scent, finding her later face down in the dirt but still barely conscious. Cyril did his best, but after days of tending to his daughter she passed away due to malnourishment, the guilt of their deaths sat heavy in his stomach and he starved himself over their graves for the next week, only finally leaving because the villagers bullied him into hunting for them. When he came home later that night he overheard his neighbors admit to the murder and he completely lost it, burning his village to the ground and mass murdering most of his home towns residents, a few families were able to run away. Cyril passed away from fatal wounds once the adrenaline finally died and he later awoke as a Fiend. Vicarri are a Closed species by me, please do not make your own.




Mate • Deceased
A very beautiful and kind Vicarris, she took care of not just her family but many of her village members. Eris struggled with mood swings and would often go from being very happy and motivated to depressed, she always hid the depressive part of her from Mei but Cyril always helped her feel better so it was never a huge problem. She supported her mate with unconditional love and care until the end of her days.


Daughter • Deceased
Spunky and tough, Cyrils little girl was lively and loved to play with the other pups in her village. She often played at the edge of the wood, much to the dismay of her parents, though nothing bad ever came of it besides a muddy coat, though she was messy regardless of where she wrestled with her friends. Mei loved her father and mother, it's a shame her life was cut so very short.


relationship • song