


10 months, 24 days ago


Nickname : Thel

Age : 6 years old

Birthday : N/A

Gender : Male

Orientation : Bisexual

Species : Barbary Lion


A large barbary lion, Theluji is the Stormchaser (leader) of the Sunsetter pride. He was raised in lands unfamiliar to the pride but sent away when he came of age. He was taken in by a lioness couple and trained into his current role.

He was born with the piebald mutation and therefore has many white patches along his coat.

Language/s : English

Occupation : Pride leader

Education : N/A

Alignment : Lawful good

Now playing . . . . Song Title by Artist


Theluji is an often times skepticle lion but can become understanding. He never meets strangers with aggresstion unless they show signs of it first. He tries to give every soul he meets a fair chance. Though his size can make him intimidating and easily misjudged.

Positive traits

  • Understanding
  • Optimistic
  • Helpful

Neutral traits

  • Strong-willed
  • Stubborn
  • Protective

Negative traits

  • Skeptical
  • Intimidating
  • Hypocrite (respectfully)







Trivia :
  • He has an underbite.
  • He has black speckles on his nose and ears, but pink and brown speckles on his paws based on the paw's colour.
  • He has a radio collar.
Likes :
  • Fish
  • Lazing about
  • Playing with cubs
Dislikes :
  • Crocodiles
  • Disrespect
  • Insubordination

Mannerisms :
  • He often times has his tail wrapped around his paws when he sits. It's never stationed elsewhere.
  • He's very expressive when he talks.
  • His ears are also very expressive.
Tad-bits :
Skills : Fighting

Weaknesses : Family members, pridemates, more agile opponents

Hobbies : Patrolling, lounging

Family situation : Bio parents: Out of picture Adoptive parents: Deceased

Religious beliefs : The God associated with the Sunsetter pride.

Insight :
— How do they feel about themselves?

He's very secure in himself. He has no insecurites that affect his daily life.

— What is the first thing people notice about them?

If not his size, his unique coat pattern.

—What if I were a family member/pride member?

He'd do anything to protect you. Whether or not you both agree on what he could be doing to protect you.


Height : 3 ft at the shoulder

Weight : 535 lbs

Build : Muscular, large

Scars / Tattoos :
  • He has three claw marks on his left cheek.
  • He has a scar on his right eye.
  • He has three nicks in his right ear along with porcupine quills in them.
Notable details :
  • His eyes are multible shades of green.
  • His mane are two different colours because of his piebaldism.
  • As said before, he has an underbite.
Hair style : Slicked back

Hair colour : White and dark brown

Eye colour : Green

Skin colour : Pink/brown

Demeanor : Calm, friendly

Design notes :
  • Most of his coat is white because of his mutation.
  • His lower canines should always be draw sticking out or longer than the top canines if his mouth is open.



An energetic cub when he was younger, Theluji was oftentimes running around and playing. Even very early on in his life. But his nature was not often reciprocated. He was often yelled at to stop moving around by his father but his mother was always there to stop him before things got worse. Everytime Theluji moved around too much for his fathers likng he was smacked with large paws.


As Theluji grew older, he mellowed out. But began to grow his mane. Time was coming for him to be removed from the pride. Forcefully or not. He tried to cherish every moment he had with his siblings, mother, and aunts before he was forced away but it was hard knowing that so close into the future he could be violently chased from the pride he loved so dearly.

When the fateful day for Theluji to leave arrived, he wasn't ready. He still needed time to make memories. He didn't want to go just yet. But his father was more that ready to get Theluji out. At first he tried to be patient but Theluji was taking too long. He chased Theluji to the border where he tried to beg for a spot in the pride. He'd even be a subordinate if it meant he could stay. But that didn't sit well with his father. His father roared in his face and swipped claws at his face, leaving him with one of his telltale face scars. Theluji was forced to flee over the border and he ran for as long as his legs could carry him.


Theluji was a nomad now. Forced into solitude by his own father. He wandered the Savannah aimless for a few years always on the verge of starvation until he ran into a lioness. One with a mane? They were both skepticle of eachother for a few moments before the lioness approached him. She informed he was tresspassing on her territory. Theluji was confused. The way she spoke it seemed as though she was the leader of a pride. Couldn't that only be a male? That's what he was taught. But he apologised but as turned to walk away the lioness stopped him. She offered him a place to call his own, her pride. And a place under her wing as her son. Theluji was overjoyed! But also confused? A place in her pride...but as her son? As weird request but welcomed none-the-less. He'd missed having a family.

Family Life

His pride was a barbary lion pride far away in the mountains of North Africa. Theluji's father and him as adults are equal in size and strength. His mother shares the Piebald mutation.


Theluji was the one of the 2 male cubs in a litter of 3 cubs. He and both of his siblings got along and shared strong bonds. All three share the piebald mutation. The lioness was distraught at Theluji and his brother's exile.

Adoptive Parents

After being brought into the pride, Theluji was adopted by two lionesses. Ekundayo and Theia.

Adoptive Siblings

Theluji's siblings, the lionesses' cubs, were Amalexia, Jata, and Lilly. Theluji was closest with Lily and swore to protect her under any circumstance. While he supported Amalexia and her relationship with a lion from antoher pride. He didn't know Jata too well as they never had an oppertunity to interact. There was another Theluji knows nothing about.




Theluji loves his mother. He feels he is forever under debt for simply taking him in but then adopting him as her own. He says he could never have found any better situation.

Connection: Adoptive Mother



He loves his second mother Theia. She was always there for him to simply listen and that means the world to him.

His fondest memory of him as his mother is when he was younger, just before he was announced heir, she brought him stargazing. She asked him what was on his mind and allowed him to just spill it all to get it off his chest.

Connection: Adoptive Mother



Nyx is his sister from Theia and he cares for her deeply. He swears ti protect her for as long as he's able.

The lion attempting to make advances on Nyx annoys him to no end but the two simply can't get away from eachother. So Theluji has relucantly allowed them to meet but away from camp.

Connection: Adoptive Sister



Kunal is the lion flirting with his sister Nyx. After a conversation including all three of them, Theluji caves and allowed the two to see eachother as long as they stay out of the camp.

Connection: Dislikes



Lilly is his adoptive sister from Theia and Dayo and he cares for her deeply. He swears to protect her for as long as he's alive.

The lioness has a severely mangled leg and Theluji believes this is even more reason to keep her safe but the restrictions placed on Lilly do make her restless and wander out of camp more often.

Connection: Adoptive Sister



Azalea is his best friend yet massive crush. They met while he was on a patrol around his territory and have grown incredibly close since then.

He has grown to have feelings for this lioness and isn't sure how to express himself. He doesn't want to ruin what they already have, and they have both recently confessed, but he's still unsure.

Connection: Love Interest