
11 months, 17 days ago


Level V Prim Arbitrator
Information Team Captain

[W] In the Name of Love & Hate + [O] Justitia / Consta's Key Page [Visual]
[G] Solitude + [G] Lamp + [G] Moonlight + [G] Harmony + [G] Through the Dark Twilight 

The first impression one gets of Adam is that of a put-upon expert. Looking increasingly exasperated every time something silly happens, one might find him a somewhat serious face. It's not that he can't accept a bit of fun, and in fact often he is quite tolerant of messing around; but there are things one needs to be careful of, and he has enough of a sense of survival to want to save the overt silliness for times when it won't get them into trouble. He knows best out of all of them how dangerous Abnormalities can be, after all. 

The second impression one could get of him, then, would be his care for those around him. His kindness is not born out of naivete. Adam knows, as much as any Backstreeter, as much as any other person from the City, just how much everyone has been hurting, and has hurt. He keeps himself tempered - he is guarded, and a little cautious, but he does not allow that to develop into coldness. Adam holds on to his compassion, for he thinks that this in itself is one of the most important traits he could cling to above all others. There is, after all, such a dearth of it in the world. 

Yes, people hurt each other - they kill, they die, but there's always a reason for it. This does not mean that he might not judge that reason wanting compared to their actions, nor that Adam will expend energy grieving for a stranger's death, but he will allow them the kindness of understanding. Acknowledgement from someone else's gaze, at least, is something he can give everyone. No matter who they are, and no matter what they've done. This alone is something he can freely give to all. 

Adam is not, truly, one for fighting. He can, of course; in ordeals or suppressions that require it, and later as a librarian receiving guests, he is as capable of wielding a weapon as any of his allies, and will do so alongside them. But it's truly not his preference, and not what his element is. 

Rather, Adam is best suited to something one could consider quite the opposite: working with Abnormalities. 

Capable of soothing even the most highly-strung of ALEPHs and WAWs, his high Temperance has repeatedly mitigated Abnormalities just on the edge of breaching, building their counter back up with good work results that no one else could have possibly squeezed into managing. Even with a -50% Qliphoth Overload, Adam has been able to pleasantly exit an Abnormality's containment unit with the light flashing a smiling green behind him - and even with an Abnormality's least favourite work, he has a damn good chance of still squeezing it into a positive. 

It would be no exaggeration to call Adam the best worker among all the agents in the facility. Nor would it be any hyperbole to say that he is the one agent that all Abnormalities are fond of; though, of course, only the ones with the most particular working conditions would usually get the chance to see him, busy as he is dividing his time amongst the whole facility. Privately, Adam thinks to himself he's just lucky that he's not also all of their most favoured agent - he has enough work on his plate being Singing Machine's favourite. 

Somehow, he just has a special way with them, these monsters birthed from the depths of humanity's subconscious. Not even Distortions, distinct though they are from Abnormalities, are immune to his charms - though, of course, normal humans seem to find him plenty charming as well, so perhaps it would be easiest to say that Adam's compassion draws the hurt and needy in from all of the City. And in the City, just about everyone has been hurt. 

Musicians, even more than the others, seem to find a special affinity to him. Despite growing up in District 9, he had never been one for music - and yet, he finds himself the absolute favourite of Silent Orchestra, Il Pianto della Lune, and... Well, Singing Machine. 

Seemingly first paying attention to Adam because of his ability to toe the delicate balance Singing Machine's managerial guidelines demanded and dodge its bewitchment, the fascination on its end only grew the more time he spent working with it without falling to its trap. Adam was the only one who could safely work with it, so this was almost inevitable - and each time, it wondered to him what music it could make with him, tantalised by his close presence but continued refusal to either feed others or himself into it. 

Eventually, it decided it liked him, the one who survived, enough to leave him with its indelible mark. This immediately dealt minor White damage to Adam, who really didn't care to be part of all this, and frankly found Singing Machine's strange association of violence with love completely disagreeable and, speaking bluntly, deranged. He was more than pleased when he discovered all there was to know about the machine, and the facility could ship it out to some other branch where he would never see it, and it never see him, again. 

Being part of the Information Team, he went on to become part of the Floor of Technological Sciences in the Library as well... where Adam once again would find himself in the company of the ever familiar Singing Machine, resuming its attempts to woo him. Needless to say, he was not particularly well-pleased with this turn of events. 

Adam, of all the librarians, was the first to gain Battle Symbols for every possible slot. Not so surprising, when one considered just how many EGO gifts he had recieved from Abnormalities prior. 

Combat Entrance Everyone is doing their best, so I’m sure we’ll win.
Victory CryIf I gather more information, will I get stronger too? Guess I’ll have to keep trying...
Death ...Gah, this sucks. All kinds of nostalgic memories are flashing before my eyes.
On Ally DeathThe person next to me just turned into a book...
 On KillThe work... I mean, the battle seems to be progressing smoothly.




  • "why does adam, the prettiest agent, not simply dazzle the other agents?"
  • "adam is the prettiest and specialest. he's like if a disney princess had horrors of the unconscious mind trying to bring them gifts (coworkers' corpses)"
  • "adam is like carmen if she worked a dead end job with no ambitions" 
  • "he is a disney princess but instead of woodland animals he gets beasts created from the human subconsciousness"