Mayor Anastasia + family



10 months, 12 days ago


Elven blood far back in her family tree, she has a very regal presence and is an excellent orator.  Secretly she is willing to go to horrible lengths to achieve peace, but she is convinced it's alright if it's for the greater good.

Andrew, her husband, a clockmaker who is perfectly happy to stay home and fix clocks and watches while his wife toils hour after hour in the office.

Anjie - Anastasia's granddaughter who was sent to live with her by her dead-beat mother (Anastasia's daughter).  Anjie is the first to accidentally cross into the pocket dimension, where her grandmother's equivalent sacrificed her to the newborn god.  This led to the pocket dimension's Anjie going mad, reliving her own death, her body and mind trying to reach out for an alternate version of herself that is long-gone, absorbed into a raving mad being.

Lilah - Anjie's little sister, oblivious to the situation her sister is trapped in.  She is, by all accounts, a normal little girl.