
10 months, 22 days ago



basic info

Full Name Eros

Gender Male

Race/Species God of Love


Nickname Ephie, Birdie

Pronouns He/Him

Orientation Pansexual

Birthday Febuary 14

likes & dislikes

Romance & fiction books


Fantastical Ballads


Old gods

fish eggs




Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Diligent Lazy
Cooperative Loner
Emotional Indifferent
Careful Reckless
Honest Deceptive
Affectionate Reserved



The youngest god of the Astral Plane, born of Chaos and heavily sheltered. Despite having gone through such pain and grief, he has found himself a new home.

In the Beginning

Eros, being one of the youngest gods, was very sheltered by the much older and stronger gods. He was always talked down to and not allowed anywhere without escorts. He was the representative and holder of something so delicate and fragile, something the mortals created- love, of course he'd be pampered and protected, but it infuriated Eros. He never was allowed independance, never allowed Anything, so one day, without a word, he ran away to the mortal realm with a new name: Ephraim.

Ephraim fell absolutely in love with the mortals. He may have been watching from afar, but he felt such a connection. During a winter solstace is when he met a man named Ryker. Ephraim could tell that he wasn't mortal, but figured he was a spirit of sorts. The two spoke for hours upon hours, laughing and connecting with each other. They'd meet up every solstace and repeat it all over again, growing much closer every year. That is until one year, Ephraim's aquiantance Hermes lets it slip by accident that he's Thanatos, God of the Dead & Underworld and has a real bad reputation with the Elder Gods. Ephraim was certainly upset! He had been lied to (despite doing the same). Ephraim ignored Ryker for short time to collect himself and his thoughts before appearing across the Styx. All it took was a simple sentence, and everything changed for them, "Gonna let me in or not?"

An Era of Love

Eprhaim visited Ryker often in the Underworld and they would leave every winter solstace to visit the mortals together. From then, a deep and intense love blossomed, one that lasted for eons. Legends and mythos told of their infatuation for years to come. Ryker built a sanctuary for Ephraim, a home, a place to stay together. He spent so much time there, sunbathing, preening, bathing, he'd even steal Ryker's shirts, he enjoyed the smell. He'd also voyage to the mortal world and bring back items of interest for Ryker, as he was unable to leave. As expected, the Older Gods disapproved of their love, they'd scoff at them and make remarks of how Ryker was sure to corrupt or hurt Ephraim, how Ephraim was far too young to know what he was getting himself into. The two paid them no mind.

Ephriam gradually grew dissatisfied. He wished for adventure, to spread his vast and infinite love, to see more and find himself. He was always restless like that. He eventually fell out of love with Ryker, and he felt incredibly guilty but he had to quell his want. The breakup was calm, very calm. Ryker still loved him deeply, but he would always support his dear and didn't wish to bring him down. Ephraim still visited of course, he couldn't part from his first friend, his first love. That wasn't something he could let go just yet.

From the Ashes

Ephraim journied the realm and in time, he found a mortal he loved passionately and intensely, Ryker's jealousy intenser (though he'd never share that. He wanted Ephraim to be truly happy). It was a short bliss. Ephraim's love grew ill and died. Mortals are fragile like that. In his grief, Ephraim stormed into the Underworld to demand his love back, to see them one last time, he wasn't ready to say goodbye. He BEGGED him. Unfortunately, that wasn't a thing Ryker was able to do, they were lost forever. Ephraim's distrought turned to anger in a snap, accusing Ryker of jealousy, of- of killing them. It's all HIS fault, he never moved on, never let GO. Ephraim was ripping out feathers, shimmering as they fell to the ground.

Ryker was silent, guilt was sewing his lips shut. He couldn't do anything and it pained him to watch his dear weep upon his ground. But fate wasn't something he could change, depsite being such an old god yet his heart wept for his love bird.

Eprhaim stormed out and never looked back. He isolated himself and grew reserved, completely withdrawing from the astrals. He spent everyday amongst the mortals, drinking in random bars & taverns and sleeping with whoever showed interest in a desperate attempt to heal himself and put himself back together. He always left before sunrise without a word.

The loud tavern was the same as the last. Shit booze, loud drunk bards singing their music, constant flirting, it was his routine. The tiefling he met was nothing like the rest. Makoto he said his name was. It started off normal, if a bit forward with his lust. He openly flirted with him, danced with him, even conned the barkeep into extra drinks for the two. They fell into bed that night, and come morning Ephraim was gearing up to leave when Makoto stopped him. He awoke while the god was dressing and made breakfast for them. Strange. When Ephraim excused himself to leave, Makoto inisted on coming with. He isn't sure why he let him stay with him, but he's very glad he did. He knows this funny tiefling will die like the rest, but why not enjoy the time he has with him? He has a charm about him, it makes him forget his troubles.

Ephraim's matured, he knows Ryker had done nothing wrong. This time, he's making the choice to be happy instead of mourn those not yet dead.

EXTRA STORY: Order in the Court


It was a small bounty, something Lukius picked up while in a small, nameless village. That meant it should've been easy, Makoto's plan made it so. Bandits are predictable. But not these ones, no, they distracted Makoto & seperated him from his blade, pulling him deep into the fray. Ephraim had already prepared his bow to shoot, yet he felt frozen to his core as he watched as the man holding the tiefling back had sliced a long stripe deep into his abdomen. He let him go and ran, but not for very long as Namoki dropped from her hiding spot to slit his throat. Ephraim didn't notice any of that in his panic. He ran for Makoto's crumpled body on the ground, putting his hands on his wound.

There was so much blood.

Makoto stirred and grabbed onto him, far too loosely for Ephraim's liking. "You 'kay..?" Is this idiot really asking if Ephraim was okay? Has he SEEN himself? Ephraim shushed him and focused on healing him, but he wishes he could just scream. He's so fragile. Mortals are so fragile. If he dies- NO no- he won't. He can't.

Makoto passed out. For just a moment, Ephraim was convinced he killed him. He shook away the thought and gently scooped up his limp body, rushing to a safer place. He didn't care to check if his party was following, but they were. During this rush, Makoto kept waking sporadically and asking the god if he was okay. If he was hurt. How he needed rest. Ephraim could feel himself aging rapidly. Can gods age? No, no he can't. Is this how mortals feel everyday? Oh Gods..

After arriving at camp, Namoki took over and began healing her brother. Ephraim watched in sorrow. He felt a pull, up towards the clouds. He ignores the feeling and holds onto Makoto's hand with the gentleness of a dove. Just outside his gaze, an old friend has arrived. Hermes stands a little ways away, and what a yikes of a situation this i]was. He couldn't really afford to give him all the time he needs, but he did wait for him (which he considered to be quite a compliment, as the God of Swiftness and all). A few moments passed and Ephraim felt a tap on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I gave you all the time I can. They'll gave my head--both of ours-- if we don't leave now!" Ephraim sighed shakily. So this is happening, and it's happening now. Ephraim leaned down to kiss Makoto's forehead, who squeezed his hand just before he let go. He was otherwise unresponsive. Ephraim tells Namoki that he has to leave. She said nothing but he's sure she's mad at her. He turned back to Hermes, "They better be quick."

As he arrived back in the heavens with Hermes, the two immediately heard a booming feminine voice, "Finally. You took your time getting here." Hermes shrinked a little and laughed uncomfortably, but every word Reyda said made Ephraim seethe. He had so much he wanted to say to her, but he settled on mocking her in his head. Court was in session, and the Gods have accused him of toying with fate. They've allowed him to play house with the mortals for long enough. Fate had allowed him to mess so much up. Eros argued that fate was what led him to the mortals in the first place, to which no one could argue back. Phanes pressed that Fate were the ones who called upon his presence today, Eros rolled his eyes at her. His open disrespect caused an uproar. Thanatos calmed the spirits and the gods, and he gently asked what Eros' feelings are in regards to this mortal. He couldn't say.

The Old Gods demanded Eros repent, but Thanatos calmed them. When Eros had thought that he'd done enough, he took all of the blame too. He inisted that Eros' time in the Underworld with him had caused him to gain a lack of judgement. Eros had recieved his last warning. He was let go.

The court slowly emptied, leaving just Eros and Thanatos. Tha- Ryker stands to leave, but Ephraim yells after him. "Eros-" "Ry, I-" They paused, realizing they'd talked over each other. They then laughed softly, why did they ever stop talking? Ephraim apologized to Ryker for his actions the last time they saw each other, Ryker accepted. The old god still loved him, and Ephraim now wanted to have him back in his life. Their relationship stays stunted, but Ephraim makes an effort to visit again when he gets time, and Ryker welcomes him with open arms.


design notes

The tattoo on the back of his neck isn't normally this bright, it changes saturation based on his emotions.

His wings have flakes of gold scattering them.

His blood is golden ichor.

height 5'9"

body type Ectomorph

eye color reddish magenta

hair type wavy

main aesthetic lovecore



"Free entertainment, one could say."|| A tiefling rouge, obligatory mean girl and asshole of the party. He's a real softy when he's alone with Ephraim, though.


"A sweetheart, isn't he? Just like his mother. Yes, I know they're not related."|| A fighter half-dragon, and not the most fluent in Common, so he nicknames him Ephie (which he Loves).


"I haven't visited him in a while. I'll have to find time to do that." || Thanatos, the God of the Underworld and of Death. A real sweetheart he is, a gentle giant in his own right. Things still can feel tense with him at times, but Ephraim does his best to connect with him still.


"She's very scary you know! I don't think I've ever seen her smile." || A tiefling spellcaster/healer, and very stoic. It's hard to believe her relation to Makoto when she's so stoic compared to him.


"Namoki's scarier, but a close second. He's just so gentle." || A human barbarian with a bit of a temper, but is overall pretty quiet and closed off. He's a well known bounty hunter and very sweet to Wynfir, Ephraim adores it.


"It's been a while since I've seen him! I wonder how he is." || Dionysus, the God of Wine, Festivity, & Theatre. Surprsingly laidback, given his followers. No one ever sees him, he often lounges in hidden places but Hermes always seems to know where he is.


"He's a pleasure! ..When I'm able to get a word in." || God of Swiftness, Thieves, Trade, Luck, everything under the sun, it seems. He has a lot to talk about and a lot of foot-in-mouth syndrome.


"I'lL ReMinD yOU of YouR PlAce- Sure you will, WHORE." || Phanes, the Goddess of Life, and Eprhaim's biggest annoyance. She acts so high and mighty, it's infuriating.


"He's.. sweet. Perhaps romantically cursed, but you didnt hear that from me." || Apollo, God of the Sun, Music, Art, Plague, Health, blah blah blah. Ephraim regrets to admit how he's messed with the poor guy, but it's all an accident and we've all moved on!! Haha!!