Carter's Comments

can we battle

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can offer anyone in my TH omg

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I’ll go ahead and accept! what payment method will u be using? ^^

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Thank u! I will make them a ref in a bit ^^

i can offer $30 :0

If no one else offers I’ll accept!! ^^

oki!! just let me know :D

i saw someone offer $35 so i’d like to bump my offer up to $40 :)

Someone offered $55 ^^

rip i don’t think i’ll be able to go any higher than that unfortunately 3:

good luck selling! love ur designs sm and this little dude is super cute !!

Nws! Thank you so much,;v; means a lot!

How much USD are you willing to take for them? :0

I usually just let people offer whatever ^^ current offer is $30

I Can offer $35! And a drawing of a headshot or halfbody!

Here are some examples of my art:

Offer was bumped to $40!

Damn I wish I could offer more but thank you anyway! :D

Nws! Thank you for offering! <3

I Can offer $35! And a drawing of a headshot or halfbody!

Here are some examples of my art: