Sunbloom's Comments

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I'd love a ping if you do those!

Hii! Just wanna let you know that I would accept offers for them :] (trades/art)

Does anyone in my th interest you? 

(Only offlimits are sonas, comforts, most mains and story characters) 

I apologize, but I didn’t see anyone!

So cute :3 what’re u looking for?


ahhh okay i have ocs here , TauntingShadows wingedsymphony :3

I quite liked this design!

Prob won’t do them since they have extra art n stuff :3

That’s alright!

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I quite like this design!

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I can offer anyone from my unsorted if that would interest you!

I could do either of them if you’d like! If you’d want Tyto, I would have to contact the designer first! Do let me know!

I'd be down for tyto!

Alrighty, I’ll contact the designer now!

The designer gave the go ahead, I’ll transfer Tyto now!

I can trade anyone from SlyFox or possibly someone from my UFTs folder on this account!

3 fbs ans 240 pts

if you keep them you have to name them something bee related, its the law/lh/j