
Age: 21 (5th Reincarnation)

Birthday: July 15th

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 5' 8”

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Teal/Green

Tail Color: Blonde

Sexual Preference: Asexual

Job: Magic Historian

Loves: Discovering new information related to magic, Talking about more recent magical discoveries, Teriyaki Salmon Ramen

Hates: Destruction of Knowledge, Forgetting, Cheesy Buckwheat Pasta

Ryosuke is a traveling Magic Historian, often traveling between Northern Africa to Korea and back, stopping at every town and city in between. But when he’s not traveling, he goes back into his tower with a massive library of knowledge and history involving magic. Back when he was younger, he was fascinated with magic and all of its wonders. Sadly that was a lifetime ago, and after he was cursed with reincarnation, his memories of his first life were slowly more and more like a dream. With his knowledge, he does try to help uncover any unsolved mysteries and simple aid. But he’s so fixated on his studies that the world often moves by without him realizing it.