


10 months, 23 days ago


Tidal Tempest
SEGA Sound Team




5'08" (172 cm)
Trans Woman (She/Her)
That's not on her mind right now!
She's just chilling!
Voice Claim:
If you thought the apocalypse would stop gamers from rising up, think again! This chicks keeping the tradition alive strong and well, even if there aren't really any new games being produced anymore.
- Krinkels (I swear)

69536280_C8CgYKzvmi0Syru.pngCasslyn is just a kid going through the motions of being a teenager! She doesn't have much going on in her life other than making it through homeschooling and trying to make life fun in the apocalypse. She loves her family and she loves her life as is, but she's not old enough yet to be partaking in all the cool shit the rest of her family is conducting, so she has to make things interesting for herself.


Cass is a pretty chill chick! She's very laid back and just takes things one thing at a time. She's very good at adapting to her enviroment and she doesn't really let things get to her all that often. But when she does get upset, oh boy are those emotions RAW! But that just comes with the usual angstiness of being a teenager.

Although her chillness is usually seen as a pretty positive thing, this does mean she's a bit of a slacker, and pretty lazy, so she doesn't really like doing all that much "work," unless said work is grinding like all hell to get 100% completion in whatever game she's fixated on at the moment. This can be pretty frustrating for her family members who obviously want to see her be active, but, y'know, she's kind of stubborn about her ability to be lazy!

Powers and Abilities

Cass doesn't have all that much physical training under her belt at the moment. She knows the basics of hand to hand combat, and she knows the basics of how the body works and what parts are vital to survival, but outside of that, she doesn't have much power behind her punches! However, she does have one special ability that she uses for her gain pretty regularly; she's telekenetic! The part of her that's got dissonant genes apparently decided she should be able to move stuff around with her mind, for some reason.



Cass was born to who else but the queerest straight couple in all of Nevada, Bank and Shank. Seeing as how she was the first grandchild to appear in the Wimbleton lineage, it's no surprise she was destined for a life of being spoiled fuckin' rotten by her Grandpa. Or, at least, that's what he was planning, until everyone else in the family made sure she wouldn't become an insufferable brat because of him. He couldn't help it, it's his right as her Grandpa!

Just like the triplets, Cass was afforded a relatively safe and healthy childhood, thanks in no small part to the combined efforts of the S.Q./Antith megacule's efforts when helping Bank and Shank. Because of this, Cass didn't really experience many outside struggles as she grew up.

That is, except for her relationship with her mother. Bank was nothing but wonderful to her, and obviously was always trying to do everything that would ensure Cass' safety and happiness, but they could tell that something was...just a little off. Bank wasn't really as "present" for her as her dad was, or as the other mothers in her family were to their children. Cass was always told stories about what Bank was like before she had her, which painted a pretty different picture of her mother than what she knew.

So growing up, she was treated to an incredibly loving and present father, but her mom struggled to meet the same expectations...seems like she may've parroted how Hank was with her.

But that setback wasn't enough to really mess her up too bad. Everyone else in her family was there to support her throughout her adolescence. She just wishes her mom was a little more "there" for her.

Weapons Used

  • Pocket Knife: Kills: 0


  • Cass is SOOOOO close to having a collection of almost every single video game that Nevada's ever produced. She will NOT stop until she has everything.
  • Though she's lazy as fuck about it, she's incredibly good at her schoolwork! No matter how challenging Jeb and Sanford make the work, she can do it no's just how long it takes her to get around to doing it that she still needs to improve on.
  • Despite being half dissonant, she managed to avoid inheriting too many physical attributes of the species that would be a dead giveaway, aside from her little horn and corkscrew tail. She did manage to inherit the power aspect though! She's able to make things float.
  • She rarely ever leaves base, as she's more interested in playing video games than engaging in whatever business the family is up to. However, the triplets will often let her tag along on contracts from 2b that aren't lethal, so she has some time outside of the house every now and then!