7's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Stormheartstar Global Rules

 General Rules 

  • Do Not Hide / Delete my Designs! 
    - To know my Terms of Service is being followed and respected
    - If you don't feel comfortable leaving it public you can always authorized me, so only I can see them
  • You may Simplify or put Minor Alterations to my Designs 
    - You're welcome to change the gender, species, eye color, hairstyle or simplify markings
  • Do Not Sell my Designs more than you Bought For 
    - Unless it has paid commissions to increase its value
    - You cannot sell Traded Designs or Designs you paid via Art. You can ONLY trade them
    - If you put Personal Art on it, you may increase its value, but be reasonable. 
  • Do Not Change my Creator Credits to yourself
  • You May Gift, Resell or Trade my Designs to anyone that is NOT on my Blacklist