


9 months, 20 days ago


another furry... perhaps this is how i stay sane during the hsc

cat/dolphin who just slays everyday

- has everything figured out for the next 5 years. in the meantime, shes here to exert as much swag as possible
- nobody has heard her speak above 50 decibels. despite this her ideas  transcend the plane of volume, everyone goes quiet when she speaks
- even though she was born with a dolphin fin on her back, she got it  removed since it was annoying (how hard would it be to put on clothes???  imagine never sleeping on your back?? how does kato handle it???)
- ambitious: sooner or later shes going to make the most amazing  archaeological interpretation which usurps how the average citizen  thinks about ancient life. and she will present her findings like it was  nothing


- friends with kato, they met in history class. secretly her closest  friend since she doesn't bother talking to others. why waste time  communicating when you could be RESEARCHING?
- lesbian... and cis... ik its shocking i actually made a cis character (the children dont count)
- paints landscapes for fun. usually of archaeological dig sites lol since when focusing on a site, its all she can think of