


9 months, 17 days ago


Previously a member of the Southern Basin pack, Eino was exiled by the current Frektane (tbn) for refusing to resurrect their previous leader who had passed during a long-standing conflict between their pack and Bruinkin. Eino believed this to be a disruption of the natural order and deemed the leader 'unworthy' of new life. Eino alongside a few wardens departed the pack and now roam the western coast, often residing within the Myrkr Ruins. 

Eino has a particularly notable connection with Grimmr (though the true origins of his abilities are from Svefn) and considers himself to be a 'God's paw' - or a "conductor of souls". He can commune with the dead, serving them divine judgment and allowing them to pass over if he deems them worthy. Those who deserve punishment or are particularly insistent on returning to the physical plane are allowed to cheat death but at a price. 

Creatures resurrected by Eino's hand are punished for disrupting the natural cycle and return not quite the same. Food tastes like ash and they never feel full, they don't feel the temperature change and always feel slightly too hot/cold, and they slowly begin to forget what true joy feels like. Eino states that it is a reasonable price to pay if a creature feels they have unfinished business they need to complete, but in many instances, the wardens that follow Eino end up killing those who return if they feel the returned being's presence is too disruptive to the status quo. 

By being a conductor of souls, Eino is often plagued by the spirits of the deceased, their manifestations an indication of how they died. He is often woken by disfigured and mangled creatures begging for his help, and he suffers from severe and vivid night terrors. Eino is very close with all of his wardens, considering them his beloved family.