i return... with money >:] !

well sort of...!!! can i put a hold on #1 until like. just like 7/22 or 23? i really do not think i'll need that long and i should be able to pay later today.... i'll reply when im ready to!!! i just have anxiety and want to make sure i dont miss them LOL

OMG! Totally :D So glad you get to have them for certain - I'll put them on hold right away o7

thank you so much!!!!!!

(is ready to pay like 20 minutes later) oh . oops

sorry about that but hi! im ready !! :D

Aye aye cap'n! PayPal email is biohazed@protonmail and ko-fi is https://ko-fi.com/biohaze pay at your leisure & I'll send them over o7

sent :D


if the person holding #3 cancells can I be pinged? :0

you'd be the second person pinged in that case (see comment below yours) but sure :)! i could also put together an adopts pinglist or smn if that would interest you?

yes please ^-^

If something happens and the buyer of #3 cancels or something lmk! ^^ 

🫡 aye aye cap'n 

LOL thanks

can i get 2!!

WOOPS I SENT TOO FAST I MEANT TO ADD could i also hold until the 21st? if possible! :3

Totally! Just get back to me on the 21st & I'll hold it till then :)

^o^)/ HOI you ready to buy? 

HII I WAS JUST THINKING ABT THIS HEHE… im sooo waiting for my paycheck to come in any time now but if u send/dm me ur paypal i can as soon as it does? :o or u can send invoice or w/e works..!

My PayPal email is biohazed@protonmail and my ko-fi is https://ko-fi.com/biohaze just send it at your leisure :D

should be SENT!!!

1 Replies

could i buy #4 :0c

Totes! My PayPal email is biohazed@protonmail and my ko-fi is https://ko-fi.com/biohaze :D

sent :D!

TYSM! I'll transfer the character over when I'm off work :)

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I would! :)

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Aweshome :)! My PayPal email is biohazed@protonmail and my ko-fi is https://ko-fi.com/biohaze

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Received! TYSM, I just sent them over <3