


11 months, 9 days ago


Manzano - (meaning: apple tree)

he/she | follower of Ti'Mera

Manzano is a forgetful, scatterbrained dragon (her family says she'd lose her own orb if it wasn't attached), but well-intentioned and devoted. He comes from a long line of wandering traders who travel to other cities selling their woven crafts. Though Manzano wants to follow in their footsteps, his tendency to get easily distracted makes it difficult. Still, he tags along during travels, even if just to get out and explore.

It was during one of these travels that she first came across Mama Cottonmouth's band of rogues.

Manzano wandered off from her family and got herself lost out in the deserts of the Expanse. As night fell, she feared she'd never get back home. That was when she saw what she thought was a mirage: a mysterious shape stalking through the sand. The shape noticed her, too. In an instant, it was upon her, pressing a stinger to her throat.

"You're going to walk away and pretend this didn't happen," he said, in a low, hissing voice. "If you tell anyone you saw me here, you won't live to see the moons again. Understood?"

"Understood," Manzano squeaked.

And with that, the figure slunk off into the night.

And Manzano was in love.

Despite the dragon's warnings, Manzano followed him at a distance, completely infatuated, until he met up with another dragon. That's when Manzano was spotted. Fortunately for Manzano, the fierce dragon- Jaguar- was more hiss than bite, and the dragon he was with was friendlier. Opuntia introduced the two of them to her, and even pointed Manzano in the direction of her family again.

Manzano was so fascinated by the two mysterious dragons that he just... kept coming back. He managed to find them time and again to hang out, despite Jaguar's protests about "having a job to do". Opuntia found him entertaining enough to keep him around (and thought his obvious crush on the stoic, cranky Jaguar was funny). Now every time the duo are in the area, Manzano manages to slip away from his family to tag along on their mysterious "jobs".

Perhaps if Manzano can prove himself to them, he might even be allowed to officially join their band.