Basic Info





Stars Title:





3'6 ft / 1.07 m



Pre-Brand Occupation:


Assigned Planet:


Mercy Position:



Horus McCree

Voice Claim:

Can't find a good clip but, Their voice Claim is Zim from Invader Zim.



Myristalline found themselves working in one of the mines in the area they lived in. Myris was often busy working here and enjoyed being surrounded by the varying minerals and being within the dark caverns these caves had to offer. They occasionally visited their little sibling to check in on them, being the older sibling they had a habit of being really protective over her. That is just how he was as a kraizen, loving and caring with their family and friends. But still held the ideals Devarians tend to have, being able to lift others up!! which is something Mysristalline liked to do.

Of course he was also known to be quite the mischievous kraizen. often playfully teasing others all the while being their biggest support, it was how she showed affection to loved ones tho sometimes, but if you were to point that out, Myris will deny it.


Located somewhere deep within some abandoned mines...Myristalline is there creating crystal like zombies...all across the state of Illinois. Though no one seems to realize that this being is the cause of the strange attack. No matter...Myristalline is focused on what must be done. To offer mercy to all on Gaia, Myristalline deep down doesn't want anyone to suffer so they know what must be done.

A determined kraizen willing to do what is nessicary, though they do leave the caves every once in a while to pester their tether or look around to make sure things are going as they should...Perhaps...might even be looking for a certain someone as well...who is to say?


Gemstallum: Their younger sibling who they care deeply for...Though they do know deep down that she isn't coming back.

Dilgraveh: A good friend they often teased for liking their younger sibling. But although they won't admit it, they respect him.

Adagio: Is aware he is Gemstallum's bestie, doesn't mean he is safe from their teasing however. Though, they do find his skills to be impressive.

Horus McCree: Their Tether, typically they often like to annoy him and mess with him on purpose. As long as he is helping upkeep the mines their base of operations is in, everything is fine.

The RHS: They really don't like this group and their efforts in trying to stop the mission. After all, in Myristalline's eyes, they aren't the bad guys for trying to prevent suffering compared to what other beings think...


  • Has a Crystal ESP where it causes crystal-like growths to grow on their body, it was a lot more manageable before the brandshock, but after the four storms era, it got worse due to intense stress.
  • Used to have a mane and some fur on their body but due to stress it is no more.
  • As mainly inspired by imps and varying minerals in terms of designs