Nathan O'Connor (Sea Paladin Form)



5 years, 4 months ago


    The thing about Nathan O'Connor is that he was not born human, but actually a rare race of humanoid fish people (scientifically called: Carcharoden Sapien) who lived deep under the ocean. No one knows how he was one all this time when he was always seen as human, until someone close to him died in battle they were in, which he turned into this form.

  • Pros
    • Increased Strength 
      • Lifts up to 275 tons
    • Increased Speed 
      • Can run up to 125 mph on land with enough start up 
      • Can swim up to 224 mph right off the bat
    • Breaths Underwater
    • Water can regenerate his wounds, same with salt (about 30 minutes for major wounds), both will regenerate him even quicker (about 5 minutes for major wounds)
    • Can talk underwater
    • Hears clearly underwater
    • Slight Underwater Sonar
      • Range: 2 Miles
    • 2 Pupils
      • Blue and Round
        • Basic vision but can see up to 3 times the same amount humans can at will
      • Yellow and reptilic
        • Mainly used for night vision
      • When Both are used
        • Will allow the user to see in Thermal Vision
    • Bullet Proof Skin
    • Able to create Sharp weapons out of a transparent blue liquid that's near his hands.
  • Cons
    • Weaker to: 
      • Lightning/Electricity (more harmful to his body) 
      • Heat (Mainly at 145 Degrees Fahrenheit) 
    • More susceptible to Flashbangs
    • Dehydrates when putting his body to more work than usual
    • Using the Transparent Liquid to make weapons makes him more Dehydrated
    • Needs to be Hydrated in order to make the weapons
    • Using both Pupils at once puts a strain on his eyes
    • If dangerously low on hydration, his body becomes weaker