


10 months, 22 days ago


Varanus, or also known as "Varanus the Skullcrusher" or "Varanus the Cobra", was actually born as Cobalt, the middle son of the King Topaz.

He was a skilled fighter as a juvenile, and was bulkier than most of his siblings, he was actually fit to be his father's heir.

But one day, his eldest brother, Kunzite, decided to challenge King Topaz to a duel, and the old king lost, he wasn't as young or strong as he used to be after all. And so, Cobalt and his other brothers were exiled, but that didn't stop Cobalt, he changed his name to Varanus, and ended up raising himself with a snake friend on his side.

He's feared, but doesn't let anyone stop him, he lives a rogue life along with his snake brother