Me, Myself, and I



9 months, 18 days ago


  • BlackSapphire 'Sapphy'

  • Birthday September 20
  • Gender Female
  • Race Artenesia Candycornicus
  • Designer BlackSapphire
  • Owner I own Myself, dumbass
Code By lowkeywicked


Role: Artist
Location: The Internet
Height: 5' 6"
Build: Weirdly Average
Demeanor: Customer-Service Smiles
  • Candy/Soda/Sugar
  • Friends
  • Art/Creating Things
  • Cockroaches
  • Idiotic Morons
  • Hypocrites



"Look, I got 3 Marbles left and I don't want to lose them."

I am Me, Myself, and I. That is, this entirely exists to upload Emoji and other Personal art so I can directly link to it- along with just having some fun writing a bio for myself.


Depending on the quiz: my D+D Alignment comes up as either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral. Probably most noticable with a lot of my traits able to be described as "Thing but Not." (See: Introverted, unless we're friends- then I won't shuttup. Messy, but no garbage. Loyal, but with Trust Issues, etc.)
In short: I'm just a contradictory mess.

I don't tend to have a lot of friends, but I am very close to the ones I do have. Historically, I have had a tendency to be a bit like a cat and just...decide that I'm friends with someone and go from there. And, well, so far that's worked out pretty well for me! Though, be warned, I will annoy you and stay in contact whether you like it or not if we are friends. Because, quite honestly, I am attached to my friends more than my family. (To give you an idea, I still talk to a friend from second grade and I'm 31 as of 2023.)

I generate a lot of clutter- but not a lot of Trash. And, while Digitally I am incredibly organized (especially my Pictures folder), in physical-world-land things are just kinda put where they fit with a vague concept of why they go places. I also love to collect things, so I have tons of pokemon cards, plushies, and figures. Combine all of these things and you get rooms that look pretty messy on the surface.

I can be pretty cynical, and have a decently dark sense of humor. So, I find it immensely funny when people are caught off-guard by both of these things. Because, somehow, I apparently don't give off the demeanor like either of those things would be true, I guess. Either way, I've gotten some spit-takes when I've said some things that were supposedly out of character.


I have the ability to somehow manage to be completely insane, and creepily sane, and exist in a void of extisential crisis, all without losing the last 3 of my marbles in the process. Oh, yeah- Also, I can draw things.

Random Stuff

  • Friends were the ones who decided 'Stamp on the Ground' was my themesong due to how much I listen to it. (It has more than 6,000 plays on my iPod as of 9-2-2023)
  • I have a cat named Apples. His name is based off of a passing 1 line joke from Red vs Blue.
  • I love funfacts, so I know a lot of random stuff. But, most of it is fairly useless, most isn't even generic enough to be useful for Trivia Games.


Honestly, I have no idea what would be interesting here. I first used 'BlackSapphire' as my username back in 2004, which I am now realizing is 20 years ago. God, I feel OLD. Anyway- I have an Art Degree with a specialty in Digital Art and Illustration. I did art for a petsite named Digis, around 2014 for a few years. My husband and I owned a Local Game Store for about 5 years, unfortunately some bad months all in a row meant we had to shut down. I'm now back to doing Art regularly, and plan on working on some personal projects! ((Including maybe finally filling out all of these profiles...))



[ ??? ] My oldest character, and also one of the most likely to brain me upside the head for being an idiot.



[ Fursona/Mascot/Character ] She has fun doing all the things and filling every roll who progressed from Game Avatar to Sona to Character to Mascot/Sona again. Rather interesting all things considered and, yes, is where my username BlackSapphire comes from.



[ Sona ] Fursona designed by JustRoadkill when I workd for Digis. She's a Cat+Sugarglider fluffything. Personality and general Character Concept is entirely based my overly-large consumption of Candy+Sweets.



[ Sona ] First fursuit and direct representation of my inability to delete anything off my computer and thus my tendency to be an abyssal archive! I have saved several of my friends compelte data-loss because I saved every picture they sent me on multiple occasions. Also Chatlogs, lots and lots of chatlogs...