Lucifer Bloodwell



9 months, 26 days ago


Lucifer Bloodwell, he/they/she, 6'0", age 26
Lucifer Bloodwell- yes that is his real name- vampiric leader of a clan of more vamps in the mid-90s. He has no qualms about him or the members of his group "showing off" in front of humans- mostly because he thinks they're scary enough to keep them from talking about of fear anyways. Aside from the usual blood mage things, he tends to float right out of people's reach and is super annoying about being better at Vampire Powers than other supernatural creatures.

Usually, he tends to act bleak and uncaring about most things- despite almost caring way too much deep down. He tends to do this so that others won't try to use it against him or his clan.

His clan upholds a pretend feud with the werewolf pack lead by Wolfgang Howler so that outsiders underestimate them. Though the clan feud might be fake, the personal feud between him and Wolfgang surely isn't. There seems to be history involved, but no one can quite place what kind. Regardless, they both seem willing to put it aside for the sake of the group. For now.