Saigo Aoki



1 year, 2 months ago


Personal Data
Saigo Aoki
Nature's Howl
U.A. High School
Feb 4
160.02 CM
Blood Type
Kiwi's, water melons, serpents, canines
Fighting Style
Close-range Combat
Hero's Status

Born into a family with a long line of samurai, Saigo was expected to follow in their footsteps. However, his affinity for nature and outdoor activities made him stand out from the rest. His parents noticed his connection to plants and animals from an early age, and when Saigo's Quirk manifested, it was no surprise to anyone. Despite his lack of academic prowess, his talent for swordsmanship and combat allowed him to excel physically. Saigo's parents recognized the potential of his Quirk and encouraged him to explore his abilities further. They enrolled him in U.A. High School, where he hoped to refine his skills and learn to use his Quirk effectively. However, Saigo soon realized that he struggled with technical and strategic aspects of combat. He found himself relying on others' guidance and leadership to make the most of his Quirk. At U.A., Saigo met Denki Kaminari, a fellow student with a lively and outgoing personality. They quickly formed a close bond, spending time together both in and out of class. Unbeknownst to Saigo, Denki also developed romantic feelings for him, making their friendship all the more special. Though Saigo occasionally flirts with Denki, he fears that confessing his true feelings could jeopardize their friendship Saigo embodies the epitome of a himbo: he is good-natured, kind-hearted, and possesses a lovable airhead charm. His genuine and caring nature endears him to everyone he meets, and his infectious positivity brightens the lives of those around him. While he may not excel in academics or possess advanced tactical skills, his unwavering loyalty and willingness to put himself in harm's way for others make him a true hero. Saigo is a firm believer in the power of love and friendship. He values deep connections with others and goes out of his way to ensure that everyone feels included and appreciated. Despite his popularity and the occasional flirtatious remark, Saigo remains humble and treats everyone with respect and kindness..


Lunar Howl
Saigo possesses a secondary ability called "Lunar Howl." This ability allows him to tap into the mystical power of the moon, granting him enhanced abilities and control over lunar energy. When he activates Lunar Howl, his physical attributes receive a significant boost, amplifying his strength, speed, and agility. Additionally, he gains the ability to emit powerful shockwaves of lunar energy from his howl, capable of disorienting opponents, shattering objects, and creating defensive barriers. The potency of his Lunar Howl is directly influenced by the lunar phases, with his power reaching its peak during a full moon.
Elemental Affinity
Saigo's second ability is "Elemental Affinity." With this power, he gains the ability to manipulate and control various elemental forces in addition to his control over plants. Saigo can harness the power of fire, water, earth, and air, allowing him to create and manipulate these elements to aid him in combat or perform various tasks. Fire Manipulation: Saigo can generate and control flames, shaping them into powerful fireballs, streams of fire, or even creating protective barriers of intense heat. He can control the temperature and intensity of the flames, using them for offensive and defensive purposes. Water Manipulation: Saigo can manipulate water, creating waves, jets, or even solidifying it into ice. He can control the flow and direction of water, enabling him to extinguish fires, create barriers, or launch powerful water-based attacks. Earth Manipulation: Saigo can manipulate the earth, allowing him to create rock formations, manipulate the terrain, and even form defensive shields. He can control the density and hardness of the earth, using it to immobilize opponents or create sturdy structures. Air Manipulation: Saigo can control the air around him, creating powerful gusts, whirlwinds, or even manipulating air pressure to create sonic booms. This ability grants him enhanced agility, as he can manipulate the air currents to enhance his movements or create barriers against incoming attacks.

Nature's Howl
With the Nature's Howl Quirk, the user gains the ability to transform into a wolf and harness the powers of nature. This Quirk grants them control over plants and the ability to manipulate the forces of the natural world.
  • Ability
    Saigo's main ability is "Nature's Howl." It allows him to transform into a wolf, gaining enhanced physical attributes and the power to communicate with and control plants. He can manipulate plant growth, create defensive barriers, and use plants as offensive weapons. This ability reflects his deep connection to nature and grants him versatility in combat.
Super Moves

Wildflame Howl
Saigo's power move is called "Wildflame Howl." Utilizing the fusion of his Nature's Howl and Elemental Affinity abilities, Saigo unleashes a devastating attack. He lets out a powerful howl that resonates with the forces of nature and the elements. As he releases the howl, a torrent of swirling flames imbued with the essence of nature erupts from his mouth, engulfing his surroundings. The Wildflame Howl creates a massive conflagration that ravages the battlefield, scorching enemies and leaving destruction in its wake. The flames possess an intense heat and are infused with the energy of plants, granting them regenerative properties. This means that the flames can heal allies and rejuvenate damaged plants, spreading growth and vitality in their wake.
  • Verdant Bind
    Saigo's sub move is called "Verdant Bind." With this technique, he taps into the full extent of his control over plants. Saigo channels his Quirk's energy into the ground, causing a network of thick, intertwining vines to rapidly grow and entwine around his targets. The vines tighten with immense strength, immobilizing and restraining opponents, rendering them unable to move or escape. The Verdant Bind is not only effective in capturing and neutralizing foes but also serves as a defensive maneuver. Saigo can manipulate the growth and density of the vines, using them to shield himself or his allies from incoming attacks. The resilient nature of the plant fibers provides exceptional protection against physical blows and even some Quirk-based assaults.

Denki Kaminari | Crush + Bestfriend
Saigo and Denki share a close and supportive friendship at U.A. High School. Saigo harbors a secret crush on Denki, finding his energy and humor irresistible. However, Saigo is hesitant to confess his feelings, fearing it may jeopardize their friendship. Unbeknownst to him, Denki also has romantic feelings for Saigo, creating a mutual but unspoken attraction between them. They continue to support and enjoy each other's company, their friendship serving as a strong foundation for potential romantic developments in the future.
Kyoka Jiro | Friend
Saigo maintains a friendly and respectful relationship with Kyoka Jiro at U.A. High School. He supports her as Denki's girlfriend and values her as a friend. They collaborate well during training and missions, fostering a sense of unity within their friend group. Saigo's romantic feelings for Denki do not affect his positive rapport with Kyoka.
Haruki Aoki | Older Brother
Saigo has a deep and loving relationship with his older brother, Haruki. Haruki's role as a pro hero and mentor has been instrumental in shaping Saigo's journey. They share a strong bond, filled with respect, support, and a shared passion for heroism. Haruki's guidance and belief in Saigo's abilities inspire him to reach his full potential. They stand united, ready to face any challenge together.