πŸ’˜πŸ“‚: KITTY!! ꩜ β‚ŠΛš



10 months, 21 days ago




b6d89e16dcd092aaf2a728075c55eee14dca4facΒ it’s pink, ofc i want it!Β 

  • 80033163_J9wiXefVrAxuyCJ.gifπŸŽ€KITTY FLORES (or KIKI)
  • Β DEMIboy
  • he/she
  • 23
  • hispanic skunk
  • january 16

44d392eef4e1cced816783995a86d6d78f39dc7fGlitter & fashion lover, roblox gamer & 2000s music enthusiast! She struggles with mental health and prefers getting distracted in the glittery and girlish things to do despite taking therapy. He became a fashion & jewelry designer, originally starting as a really small business owner. She occasionally sings with v or records small songs as a hobby. His voice claim is Eyedress. 🌸

Kitty is sweet, loud and sociable. She adores gossip, looking at fashion magazines, doing her makeup and having spa days !! She loves spending money on herself and others, he’s generous. Despite his loud and open personality, Kitty gets anxious easily and overthinks veryy often. He’s really good at keeping secrets, u can trust him with anything (trust!! he’s the bff ever!)

f221d5f9831db40f09f90b606dc60d6a7d24f71e79732587_NKjlCg00WyRPb2v.pngπŸ’KITTY AND HIS BF’S RELATIONSHIP:

Kitty adores V with all his heart!! She was the first to confess after all ^_-❀️ He often finds himself getting really flushed around him and nervous despite the fact that they r already dating!! He is a love bomb to her bf and compliments him allll the time!! she genuinely thinks he is one of the prettiest boys ever :33!! He luvs texting him and calling him when he’s not with him! She calls him about the dumbest and tiniest of things sometimes, but that’s just how comfy she is with him. She wears V’s clothes at home lot, especially his oversized hoodies, and often makes V pick outfits for her. Β She gives him kisses 24/7 y’all don’t understand just how much she luvs this guy!!!!! he also buys him lil gifts often >_< 🌸🌸 He is her safe place and will come up to him for anything.Β 
f221d5f9831db40f09f90b606dc60d6a7d24f71eHe is special to me (alongside his bf too) and they both represent me trying to get out of my current situation of the limbo of teenhood and adulthood whilst having a connection to what I grew up with, the 2010’s and the small nostalgic things in life<3
