Aerith's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

_KK_ Global Rules

G'day!! Just some overall TOU.

- PLEASE, Don't trade, gift or resell until ATLEAST a month has passed! Most of my designs have had love and heart put into it. I don't wanna see it go to waste so quick, so atleast a months passage should be enough.
If you loose connection to the character before a month, and do not wish to have them, let me know! And I can take them back!

- If the design you own was unfinished, you're free to delete it off-site. Do NOT delete full/finished designs. The design is considered unfinished if it is a sketch or plain lineart.

- Commercial use is fine. I don't think my designs would really be featured in anything professional, but in the off chance my design is used professionally, by marketing, comics, stories, anything to make a profit off of, please credit me. Once a design is yours, it's yours, I'd just like credit for the original concept is all :')

- You CAN Make NSFW of a character you have gotten from me, I just ask you put a censor or warning, as frankly, I don't wanna see it, but I don't mind if you make NSFW still, just note, I like looking through designs I've made so it's just the raging Asexual in me asking this lmao

- Lastly, don't sell my designs for NFT purposes please. I don't want those cryptobozo's getting a hold of my creations and art. If I find out you've been doing this with my designs/art, you'll be permanently blacklisted & blocked. This includes your own art of the character. You do NOT have permission to sell the design in such a way.