Mike Blair (Firestorm (WC AU))



2 years, 4 months ago


he/him (cis) | presumes he's straight (he's not. he's pan)

- THE MAN......

- still has his fire because fuck you, it's a crucial part to his character

- used to be a medic, but changed to a warrior later on. tho most of the time he still acts like a medic and spends a lot of time in there helping out

- everyone always assumes he's an elder because he looks so old and he acts like an elder lmfao he's cranky enough to be one tbh

- despite not being much help to the clan in terms of hunting and fighting (chronic pain, stiff joints and cancer kinda makes it hard lmao), he refuses to retire

- lost his front leg after getting hit badly by a car. nobody knows how he managed to survive tbh

- was a rogue for a little while after running away from his clan until Foxleaf finally found him and brought him back

- always wanted kits of his own, but is now reluctant because he knows he's dying

- as in canon, his fire abilities are prolonging his life, hence why he hasn't already died from the cancer

- no I don't know how a young cat ended up with lung cancer either

(important notes are bolded)

- greying muzzle and grey flecks in fur

- eyes always glow (there's a guide on his main page :])

- tabby markings and tortoiseshell patches/flecks don't have to be exact, but he should always have an orange splash on the right side of his nose and orange gradients on his ears. tortoiseshell patches/flecks should only be on his back and his tail

- markings are mostly symmetrical, except for the orange splash on the right side of his nose

- faint orange gradients all across his body ("rusting". look at rusted black cats for a good reference)

- whiskers are crooked and curly

- very fluffy chest and tail

- the white on his chest is a heart marking! bc symbolism <3

- fur is curly <3 and also a bit scruffy and messy bc he doesn't groom himself as much as he should. in his defense, chronic pain makes it hard, and he's just so huge, so it takes a while to fully groom himself

- he is HUGE. idk an exact size, but he's bigger than the largest domestic cat. he's probably around or a little above 15 pounds, but he's extremely underweight, so he probably should weigh 20-30(ish). he is a Really Big cat

- very underweight, ribs are clearly visible