Daisy-Mother/ Faern



11 months, 10 days ago


Daisy-Mother/ Fallen Faern

Magical, large beast; neutral


A round, fluffy beast growing daisies out of it's ears, and almost tear-like pink markings running down it's face. They grow to around 7ft tall and get up to 120 pounds, and are the fragments of the goddess Faern. There have been around 150 spotted Daisy-Mothers on the planet, all with large herds of regular Daisy-Rabbits. The mothers are known to be very aggressive and violent towards unknown persons, but very gentle and caring with their herd and wild Daisy-Rabbits. Daisy-Mother's live in in forests and fields, where wild Daisy-Rabbits are the most prominent. She will be very aggressive towards strangers and players will immediately roll initiative within 30ft of her. However, the Daisy-Mother will not attack anybody unless they attack first.

Armor Class: 15

Hit Points: 73

STR    DEX   CON    INT    WIS   CHA

20(+5)  10(+0) 20(+5)  7(-2)   20(+5)  7(-2)

Skills: Perception +3

Passive Perception: 17

Challenge: 1 (200XP)


  • Communicate: The Daisy-Mother can communicate with sentient creatures telepathically by pressing her daisies against a sentient creature's skull.
  • A Mother's Rage: When a member of a Daisy-Mother's herd is killed in combat, she will roll advantage on everything for the rest of the fight.
  • Keen Sight: The Daisy-Mother rolls with advantage on sight-based perception checks.


  • Cure Wounds: Can heal wounds up to 1d6. Can do this do themselves, other Daisy-Mothers, Daisy-Rabbits, or those they have communicated with telepathically.
  • Ensnare: A group of thorned daisies appear around the legs of opponent, does 1d6 piercing damage. If a member of her herd is killed, she will roll with advantage and 1d8 piercing damage.
  • Wail: Deals 1d4 psychic damage. A horrible, devastating wail.