


11 months, 12 days ago



Gender: Non-binary (they/them)

Specie: Magical Star (has a human form)

Age: 28

Birthday: February 4th

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 1'3ft/39.6cm (as a star), 5'6ft/158.4cm (as a human)

Weight: 0.2lbs/0kg (as a star), 112.0lbs/50.8kg (as a human)

Likes: Lighthearted pranks, animals, games, drawing

Dislikes: Loud noises, unfair games, needles, drama


-Despite their chaotic nature, Comet is very friendly and caring. They have a lot of energy and love to pull lighthearted pranks and play games. They can sometimes come off as rude but it's usually unintentional. They're also quite sassy and never have a loss for words. They have very sensitive senses which causes them to hear, see and smell things at a greater length than the average human. They are very sensitive to loud noises and they have a fear of needles. They have a soft spot for animals, especially puppies, bunnies and kitties. Comet is also impatient and tends to get carried away easily. All in all, Comet is a friendly, energetic and fun-loving enby!


-Transform between multiple forms


-Shooting out shooting stars

-Sharing their power

-enhanced strength, defense, speed and senses

-breathe in space

-create mass thunder star storms

Extra Info.

-They're autistic

-They came from a planet near Earth and decided to stay on Earth out of curiosity on how humans on Earth live

-They have 4 older siblings, unfortunately, Comet didn't get along with them

-They have depression and anxiety

-Underneath their cyan jacket is a black long-sleeved turtleneck

-Comet has very unhealthy coping mechanisms for their mental health

-Comet has 4 different forms: star form, human form, magical ranger form, true form

-They like to draw. They also use their drawings as a way to vent but it doesn't really help them much

-They will listen to any genre of music. They just like what they like, lol

-Their favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate

-Their favorite color is green

-They have their nails painted cyan

-Their favorite thing to draw is animals, specifically bunnies

-When they were little, they used to talk to the class pet, which was a rabbit. They are still traumatized by the death of their only friend, the class pet rabbit

-They don't have many friends due to their trust issues and fear of betrayal. They are also picked on a lot

-They received a plushie from Cupid

-They often have nightmares

-Their favorite food is chicken nuggets

-They don’t really live anywhere. They fly around and usually stay in trees with their notebooks

-They took ballet lessons when they were little. Their parents and siblings made fun of them for doing ballet

-They are able to make outfits using their magical abilities