


10 months, 28 days ago


Name: Sable
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Pan lesbian
Height: 6'2"
Avg weight: 340lbs
Affinity: Electricity/storms
Disposition: Friendly, mischievous, affectionate, weary


  • Can   discharge electricity freely  from her body by burning through fat   reserves or other auxiliary energy  sources. At higher weights she is   more staticky.
  • In  dire situations, Sable can burn tissue  beyond  body fat, including  muscle, tendon, blood, and bone. As an  extreme  last resort, she can burn  her own soul.
  • Her ability allows her to shoot arcs of electricity, but can also turn her into a living taser.
  • When desired, Sable can also redirect stored electrical power into a battery to slim down and increase mobility.

Sable was born to a mountain village of sky pandas, red panda-like beings whose coloration is determined by the sky they're born under. Between her gray coloration and being born to the wrong gender, she spent a lot of her early years unsure of herself and lacking much ambition beyond just existing. Expectations were not something anyone had for her, and the village collectively agreed that the only suitable job for her was a decorative guard position in the mountain peak temple. No one ever attacked the temple, and there was only one priestess, so surely the person who could do no right couldn't screw that up, right?

After a few weeks of guarding the temple, Sable was brought inside by the lone priestess, Arha. She recognized the pain in Sable's heart and the extent to which she had been ridiculed by the village and reassured her that she was not worthless, despite what the others may say. Arha was the first person felt safe enough to open up to about her true name and how she, despite what the village may call her or how they would treat her, was a woman at heart struggling to be a person she wasn't. The priestess was quick to show her compassion, and rather than leave Sable to stand guard alone in front of the small temple's main gate, she would bring her inside, let her grow her hair, wear the clothes of a priestess in training, and teach her the history of the temple, their village, and the mysterious tree that lie at its center.

Long ago, on this very mountaintop, an ancient sky panda known as Datura ate the fruit of the lone Augurbloom, a knotted, amber-gold tree older than most civilizations of their world. It's said that the tree is a wish-granter, and that shortly after Datura ate from its fruit, she sprouted a magnificent pair of wings so strong that they pushed the constellations out of place as she flew. Despite this well-known tale, few believed that there was any truth to it. Datura was known as a goddess, but her story was not celebrated as many of the others were. After all, she was an usurper. She had cheated her way into the pantheon and declared herself the goddess of disruption, and few fundamentalists of sky panda beliefs look upon her favorably. Centuries of disfavor lead to her being slowly de-legitimized, and the desire for anyone to try to repeat her stunt faded quickly with the years. Still, it was their job to protect the tree, even if the only thing it had ever given them was a troublemaker-deity.

Months passed, and Sable came to know Arha as an older sister and a mentor. She basically lived at the temple, and no one particularly minded that she didn't hang around her little cottage at the edge of the settlement anymore. One day, however, she warned Sable to return home for the night, for she feared a bad omen that had presented itself during her daily divination rituals. Sure enough, the next day Sable came back to find that the previous night's storm had split the Augurbloom in two and burnt a majority of the temple. To her relief, Arha was unhurt, but without the tree, the temple was done.

To Sable's surprise, Arha presented her with two gifts on that day: a gorgeous traveler's dress of black and gold, and the last fruit the Augurbloom would ever drop.

"There will never be another tree, Sable. I could re-plant it, but it would take so long to regrow, and they would never forgive either of us for this. I've played my part, now it's time for your story. Go like Datura, and let the beating of your wings drown out any cruelties they could shout your way."

And with that, Sable reluctantly bit into the honey-colored fruit. In a blinding flash of light, her coat took on a deep purple hue and thunderbolt markings rippled up from beneath the tufts. Her hair went stark white and her sclera turned the warm gold of the grain fields. Lastly, feathered wings exploded from her shoulder blades. It was just like Datura's story, but even more than she had imagined.

That day, Sable hugged Arha tightly and then turned away, never looking back. The flap of her wings carried her far away from that little mountain village, and with one defiant push, she echoed a thunderclap across the valley. This was her goodbye.


These days, Sable finds herself lost in the hustle and bustle of the modern world. With no past, a penchant for hedonism, and a rather strange form of lighting power, she's trying hard to find the balance between using her powers for good, and the intoxicating temptations of her newfound freedom. Of course, a dire call for help from a wandering being from space may just be the thing that puts her to the test.