


10 months, 27 days ago


besties w/ devilsbathboys knight guy :) he luuuvs sweets esp peanut brittle

he fights gods that are running rampant in his world. they are imperfect and unstable because their aspects are things other than righteous. once they reach a certain point they thrive off fear-belief rather than praise; once you get to that stage you are essentially doomed. gods of destruction are sure to leave behind a some terrible trail of acidic goop that corrodes whatever it touches because it's body is producing excess weird materials, constantly in pain and it's mind in a haze as it wanders around looking for something else to crush in its hands or jaws; they become nothing more than husks of their former human selves, and this is where the dillema lies. can they be saved? is it a mercy to kill them?

It's a gradual thing - you gain a worshiper and nothing much changes but you gain 20 Adamant Followers and you start getting various powers. Everyone is different with what they gain according to who they are as a person and what aspect they are a god of, and though this seems like it can be rampant, it is actually a hard feat to attain. If theres tons and tons of people actually worshiping you like a religion, that is when you gain a huge god form you can shift into. At a point just people Believing you exist feeds you power, so even if people stopped worshiping you at the point that you had your huge god form it wouldnt even matter because if you continued to crush towns, people would see you and hence believe you exist which feeds you more, making you virtually unstoppable unless Eric and his friend show up.