
11 months, 7 days ago


"Let's do this one last time. My name is Zack Zephyr. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the past 5 months, I've been the one & only Webz"

Growing up, I always dreamed of making my mark on the world. Literally I mean, I'm a graffiti writer, and a decent rollerblader too. Before...the incident, I sprayed my art all across New York (or at least Queens) under the alias of "ZZ." Get it? Zack Zephyr? ZZ? Anyways..

Everything changed after I decided to leave my mark in that abandoned Oscorp lab. My friends warned against it, saying there might be something freaky left behind, but I really wanted to go somewhere far out, somewhere that hadn't been tagged before. I wanted real attention...and I guess, in a messed up way, I got it.

After a bit of spraying, I accidentally broke a container that had a weird looking spider. After that, an alarm went off, I tried to kill the little guy...and it bit me.

After that is pretty simple. Mutated into a spider-freak, passed out and woke up to feds ready to shoot, ran away, made it all the way to my best friend's place and got started on learning how to adjust to...all this.

...And now, 5 months later with a totally decked out suit and specially designed web cans, I'm fighting off criminals, dodging feds, and competing with rival super-powered taggers to become the best in New York. And now I'm in the spotlight more than I ever have it can't that bad, right?

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 15

Spray cans are filled with webs that leave behind paint after dissolving