!Onyx!'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

CrossedEclipse Global Rules

Design/Adopt Terms of Service

  • You do not need to ask/inform us of rehoming unless we explicitly ask you to, so you may rehome the character to another user as you wish, be it through trading, selling, gifting, etc.
  • Under no circumstance will we refund you or undo a trade for one of our designs/adopts. Please make sure you truly want the character before inquiring about it.
  • You may redesign the character as you please, just please make sure one can tell that it's still the same character.
  • Please do not sell/resell the design for more than it's original worth unless art is added (You may absolutely add the price of your own art to the worth within reason), and please do not add art for the sake of flipping for profit.
  • Do not claim to be the character's designer. That's rude and you can be blacklisted for doing such if you refuse to credit us for the design (We will not ever take your character, you own the rights to it, but we certainly won't like you).
  • Upon seeing that one of our designs has been named anything related to our username (Ex: Eclipse, Cross, etc) it will have it's designer role changed to our Instagram handle, simply so we don't have to see it. It is also advised that you keep it, as well as any other character with those names, far away from us.
  • NSFW/Adult content is absolutely allowed so long as the character is an adult (18+) and anthro/humanoid. Underage/feral NSFW goes against our ToS, as stated below.
  • If we find that for any reason someone has used one of our designs for pedophilia/zoophilia/etc they will be blocked, blacklisted, and publicly called out with proof of our finding such info. We do not tolerate people that do these things.

Edit Log:
May 25, 2023 - Reworded the first bullet to be less confusing
May 17, 2024 - Updated name rule + minor rewording in a few places