


11 months, 6 days ago


Name Bluepaw

Former Names Bluekit

Gender Female (she/her)

Orientation Unsure

Mentor Rattlestar

Rank Apprentice

Residence MossClan

Theme content


Bluepaw is a light blue-gray cat with bright blue eyes and short fur, aside from her cheeks. She bears an unusual face mask, and white accent markings along her muzzle, belly, front paws, and undertail.

Her apperance is often well kept, though she is unafraid to get dirty and doesn't mind looking a little ruffled.

Design notes
  • cheek fur comes to two points on either side
  • she ususally sports an unamused look

Bluepaw's personality has been shaped very much by her family and her clan. She started life as little Bluekit, rambunctious and carefree. As a kit she was uninterested in keeping appearances for her family, showing off her truly adventerous spirit.

As she and her brother, Silkpaw, grew, her attitudes were changed. She learned that her father was deputy to Rattlestar and was an incredibly respected warrior. And sher mother, serving as a kind and proud warrior before having them, she was expected to follow in their footsteps. She couldn't be a rowdy, loud kitten- she needed to be professional and show that she came from a loyal and strong bloodline.

And now, as Bluepaw, she's lost much of her spark. She works hard to be what her parents expect from her, after all it's assumed she'll take over for her father one day. She finds it difficult to make friends with others her age at gatherings, though she truly does crave interation and friendships. Silkpaw is her only, and best, friend and she is very grateful to have him.

Bluepaw has some problems with change and responsibility. She wants to be free to be just like any other cat and not hold a great expectation on her shoulders, like Silkpaw, but she can't. When things don't go her way she can become bitter and petty, not knowing how to control her emotions or regulate them healthily.

  • Heights
  • Fishing
  • Birdwatching
  • Cave Battle Training
  • Forced Socialization
  • Being Told What To Do


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Bluekit was born to a very well respected and high ranking family, with a strong lineange in MossClan. She was born with only one brother, Silkkit, and grew up well. Doveskip, their mother, doted on her little ones, her gentleness and love that she'd become known for among the clans now focused on her kits. Bluekit and Silkkit had a wonderful first four moons of life.

Once she reached about 5 moons, Bluekit began to see more of her father, Beetleclaw. She knew him, of course, because he would visit periodically to see them and his mate, but she knew he was busy with his deputy duties. Now though, he was there to talk with her more. He told her many stories about his parents and grandparents, cats she'd never know but whose blood ran through her own veins. Their strength in battle, their cunning and wit, their ability to lead. Apparently her own great-grandfather had been MossClan's leader many moons ago.

Beetleclaw also began training her early. Silkkit didn't get the same treatment or attention from their father, which really confused Bluekit, but she learned not to ask after he explained to her that Silkkit's disability would hinder him. She didn't understand, but knew to just agree.

Among these more private training sessions she would learn basic battle moves and hunting stances, working with her father alone till her little muscles were tired. But she was so proud, she could see the sparkle in his eyes looking at her as she worked, and she wanted to make him as proud as she could- so she trained for the next moon until her actual apprentice ceremony.

She had expected to be assigned to her father again, after developing such a good report with him already, but instead Rattlestar had decided she'd be training under him directly. The leader is her mentor. And he is a tough crowd.

Training with Rattlestar was nothing like training with her father, though she was grateful she'd gotten the muscles she had to prepare. Rattlestar had high expectations and he didn't soften things for her. He wanted to test her limits, push her as hard as she could, and she was becoming one of the strongest and fastest young cats in the clan. She couldn't understand the special interest given to her by Rattlestar, but among the arduous training sessions, he taught her great things- MossClan's history, their prowess and strength, how to be a leader and use words to one's advanage just as much as muscles.


  • Prefix Blue: For her pelt colors
  • Suffix paw: her rank in the clan


Silkpaw is Bluepaw's best friend. She loves him dearly and is so glad to have a good relationship with him. She would do anything for her brother, no matter what.


Bluepaw has a very good relationship with her mother, especially when she was young. Now as she grows older she doesn't spend as much time with her mother, but she still cares for her very much and is very attached.


Bluepaw didn't start off loving her father very much because he wasn't often in their lives as kits. Now as she's grown he has spent much more time with her and he's gotten to see past his rather scary exterior and see that he does love his kids and is proud of them.


Rattlestar is a frightening leader and a very tough mentor, but he teaches her so many great things. Bluepaw respects him for his intelligence and strenght, but fears his love of power and that cunning shine she can see in his eyes. He's smart and secretive and she finds it unsettling.

code by jiko