Grace "Squirrel" Dolby



10 months, 18 days ago



Grace "Squirrel" Dolby

"I'm the squirrel of Mondstat! Or so people say."

Adventure Rank 13

Adventure Exp 1000/1000

World Level 0

  • FULL NAME: Grace Dolby

  • AGE: 19

  • D.O.B: Jan 13th

  • PRONOUNS: She/her

  • REGION: Mondstadt


  • VISION: Anemo

  • WEAPON: Bow

  • SPECIAL DISH: Extra Nutty Mushroom Skewer

  • STATUS: NPC, Alive, Single


A young female adventurer who lives in the fields of Mondstadt. Her full name is Grace Dolby, but people have given her the nickname "Squirrel" for her knack for climbing up to and gliding from places she definitely shouldn't be, to the point that she's basically adopted it as a second name. She's also quite the survivalist, living by herself out in the wilderness and rarely venturing into Mondstadt.


Grace is chaotic and silly, often shooting from afar first and asking questions later. She also has a tendency to ignore - or possibly even outright forget - both social and safety rules. She's rather low empathy, but once she understands what's going on she'll make at least some effort to help if she can. Unfortunately, this can accidentally make her seem selfish, especially if she ultimately gives up.


Aliquam egestas pharetra luctus. Nam faucibus, sapien condimentum sodales consequat, diam enim bibendum lectus, id placerat dolor est vel diam. Aenean ultrices vitae dolor vitae varius. Aliquam feugiat blandit lacinia. Pellentesque sit amet luctus mi. Vestibulum sed libero dolor. Maecenas iaculis sagittis dui, non bibendum justo blandit eu.

Pellentesque vulputate nunc nec nisi porta, ut ultricies risus euismod. Integer fringilla fringilla luctus. Nullam vulputate neque sit amet nibh molestie tempor. Nulla ut leo sit amet nisi interdum elementum ut vitae justo. Cras ut consectetur nisi. Maecenas ut risus cursus, pharetra nisl at, pharetra odio. Vestibulum malesuada viverra imperdiet. Nam leo ante, condimentum in mi a, tempor euismod nisi. Quisque ac ipsum id leo luctus dictum.


Donec eu gravida quam, in egestas dolor. Aliquam porta ac dui ac congue. In et nibh scelerisque, pretium mi quis, finibus nibh. Morbi ut turpis sit amet massa fermentum commodo. Sed porttitor cursus diam, at luctus orci elementum at. Pellentesque a erat a elit lacinia tincidunt. Nullam elementum ligula consectetur turpis sagittis sollicitudin. Aenean vel egestas tortor. Proin sit amet mauris justo. Praesent scelerisque nisl eu magna porttitor vehicula. Vestibulum laoreet ex a cursus cursus. Vestibulum pharetra risus ut tincidunt scelerisque. Nam eu leo vel erat rutrum lacinia nec at sapien.


  • Running
  • Racing
  • Long flights
  • Unknown


  • Cold areas
  • Cryo in general
  • Journaling
  • The Knights of Favonius


  • Cooking
  • Gliding
  • People-watching


  • Likes to torment Hilichurl camps from atop cliffs or trees
  • Terrified of actually serious adventuring.
  • Most often found collecting bird eggs from rooftops and picking mushrooms off buildings in Mondstat.
  • Can sometimes be found sitting on the statue of Barbatos and snacking.
  • Sometimes, she seems to "play" with any Seelie she finds.
  • When the going gets tough, Grace often gets going
  • Design loosely based off the Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel
  • Has trained herself to fly with one eye covered at night so she can see better
  • Uses a basic Hunter's Bow by default



With both of them being outdoors so often, it's only natural that they'd meet and become friends. They bumped into each other while visiting Mondstadt for supplies and Grace hung around to chat with Lynn while they shopped. She occasionally drops by Lynn's camps to talk and cook together.



Close Friends

Meeting after Grace accidentally encroached on Wolvendom territory when they were both around 10 years old, the two became fast friends after he realized that she wasn't a "city human" either, welcoming her in as an honorary member of his Lupical. They have a sibling-like relationship, and Razor's pack often compares them to a pair of wolf pups.




Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.

Code by Aurorean