Selene divine



11 months, 7 days ago


Full name : Selene divine the hedgehog

Nicknames : Crystal 

Gender : Female 

Age : 18

Height : Height : 110 cm

Species :She is a hedgehog . Her family is known to have some dragon bloodline 

Hero types : Fly or Speed ( If needed) 


Celestia is evenly tempered, she's normally known to be calm, patient and in control of the situation, she's extremely kind . She's extremely protective of the ones who she's cares about and those who have hurt her in the past she has no problem cutting ties with them.

She's responsible and can be silly, outgoing when she's around her friends. She will be serious when she's needed to, she normally doesn't get into fights but will fight if she has to or when someone cannot fight for themselves. Nothing can get past her she can easily pick on others feelings which can make her seem moody, this moods effect hers. But at the end of the day she this helps her understand others easily and help her cheer them up.Extremely determined to prove herself . 

However she can panic if a plan ruined or not followed , she tends to sometimes not understand some social situations ,she can be serious when needed very introverted . She's extremely quiet and observant,  she is stubborn and tries her best to put that side away. She can be stuck up from time to time and sometimes doesn't know how to react to social situations. 

She's rational but can lack imagination sometimes. 

Role / Backstory

A princess from another dimension called the Crescent dimension . She came to mobius to study the culture, life styles and history of the dimension while coming to fulfill her duty as mobius's dream walker keeping an eye on mobians to insure they sleep peacefully. 

Selene grew up a relatively normal life in crescent however it's she did cut herself off from most social gatherings due to her responsibilities as a princess which has left her to be socially awkward and socially unaware 


 At the current moment durning daytime in mobius she works for G.U.N to maintain a low profile , being seen as a normal citizen in mobius . G.U.N recruited her for her ability to manipulate dreams and see through the dreams of others. 



Although this ability of hers is known to branch out to different abilities depending on how much power she gathers . The magical crystals she summons and manipulate can absorb energy based attacks either absorbing the attacks or reflecting them back at her command


She can naturally fly and float around if she wishes due to her dragon blood coming into play 


She can use temporary telekinesis using the energy she absorbed from her crystals to carry heavy objects and move them around


She has the ability to heal herself and her allies injuries 

Dream walker 

This ability allows her to enter people's dreams without disturbing them.through dreams she's able to learn a lot of information about the person and banish nightmares if they trouble the person


•She's afraid of spiders 

•Losing her cool 



• Clean spaces 

• spicy food

• She likes to study magic and read a lot of books always someone who's eager to learn


•Cold weather 

•Gothic fashion

•Halloween themes basically anything scary to most people


•Messy places 

• Loud noises

• Unwanted violence and fights 

• irrational behavior

•Being disturbed reading 

•Being called your Highness or any of her Royal titles