


10 months, 6 days ago



Martin, a sweet and caring father of a adopted 11 year old girl named Alice, is part of The Choir, yet also joined The School of Mensis in secret, long ago, when he was in his early student days, purely out of curiosity. The School's beliefs and methods are vastly different than those of their opposing group of Scholars robed in white, though both their goal is to find a way to evolve mankind, The School attempts to ascend via the use of ugly grotesque rituals. Martin keeps his affiliation with Mensis a secret to his close friends and co workers, with only his daughter and his best friend of The School knowing about this. But this is certainly not the only secret Martin harbors. You know, even The Healing Church has quite some things to hide. Their scholars and doctors perform disturbing surgeries on it's already sick patients, and even on some on it's orphan children from their orphanage. Martin is one of these 'doctors', having made a deal with a sweet woman (who is a fellow doctor of the church) who believed in their practises. But he did not tell her the complete truth about what he would do to her, only telling her in his warm and gentle voice about how it will only be a few simple tests as he attempts to cure her of her illness, to which she completely and even gladly agreed to. She confidently trusted this kind and sweet man with all her heart, and could not even begin to imagine the horrors she would go through over the course of an excruciating amount of time.

Deciphering the Letter - Howard Shore