Experiment 366 - Mana



One of Jumba's many experiments, this one was inspired by the game which may have come back from a certain planet called Earth when Cobra Bubbles first met the United Galactic Federation and then may have been replicated to the amusement of many an alien species. In a mad scientist burnout, Jumba may have once given this particular game a shot and was inspired to create a beast that could absorb the energy/essence of life itself and in doing so destroy/kill whenever it took the energy from. The experiment, originally named Experiment 366, given the name Mana after it turned out that well...a creature made of pure energy doesn't really want to destroy pure energy...

Mana now wanders, flying freely, and they are able to give their abundant and reproducing energy as a life source, which they like to use to help endangered species of plants and animals. 

(Yes, Mana is based of the Secret of Mana series by Nintendo, specially the Mana Dragon Flammie)