
10 months, 18 days ago



Sappho - 16 yrs old

lesbian, she/her prns 

big crush on Joan :3 

Sappho is the clone of the greek sapphic poet, Sappho. she is a first gen clone who has had a crush on Joan since the last year of middle school, and childhood friends with her.

-more on her little Joan situation, she’s been best friends with her since they were kids, but she developed a crush on her sometime during the end of eight grade/the last year of middle school, and she’s had a huge crush on her since. It’s a bit pathetic but what do you expect

-has not a great home life, mother is mentally abusive but her dads alright.

- so, mommy issues ⭐️ mom called her worthless a few times and many other things and she just forgave her bc “she’s my foster mom, she feeds me, she can kick me out anytime but she lets me live here, and I’m sure she was just angry.” never gets apologies

-her father owns a bookshop.

-enjoys reading, crocheting, listening to music, doing her makeup, and being with friends.

-hates when people upset or hurt her friends, she’s the sweetest girl you could ever meet but the moment you do something to someone she cares about it’s over

-a bit shy, but she doesn’t mind hanging out with people and talking to them, opens up more when you get to know her.

-when I say she’s the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet, I mean it, she’s really nice, caring, friendly and kind, and doesn’t judge people based on what other people might think about them or how they are on the outside .

-friends with topher ! everyone thinks she’s being held hostage by him but no she’s just really friendly 

-used to date a clone of erinna, Sappho fell out of it and they broke up on good terms. at least that’s what Sappho thinks.

-main love languages are physical touch, penguin pebbling and gifts, and quality time.

-she’s autistic ! 😁

-doesn’t yell, people don’t ever see her really really angry or yell at people so when she does people r shocked .. 

-not very athletic . 

-favorite animal is sheep (projecting 😼)

Spotify playlist: