Pheonix the Meerkat



11 months, 4 days ago

Basic Info




Shrew is Phoenix’s pet chao. She had sewn him similar clothes and infused a piece of the emerald into his clothes too. She had gotten him a couple years ago when she had gone to Scarlets Chao Adoption Centre and adopted him pre-hatched, and has taken care of him ever since.

Shrew enjoys playfully annoying Phoenix, by constantly sitting on her head, even after she pushes him off. Even though Shrew can be a pain in the ass sometimes, Phoenix adores Shrew and will protect him with her life.




"Put a quote here or something."

  • BIRTHDAY November 7th 1985
  • RACE Meerkat
  • HEIGHT 3'5
  • WEIGHT Unknown
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown

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Maecenas id sem convallis, venenatis nulla sed, tristique augue. In a varius velit, ut lobortis libero. Donec cursus elit nec risus posuere, ac bibendum metus pretium. Ut imperdiet lacus sed nisi pharetra tempus. Duis varius orci molestie lobortis pharetra. Sed molestie velit vel nisl finibus suscipit. Aenean vehicula rhoncus lacus. Donec blandit, mauris non tincidunt semper, velit neque ultricies justo, ac sollicitudin ex eros sed lacus. Aliquam hendrerit nibh nisi, pharetra aliquet enim ultrices vel. Vestibulum cursus metus at malesuada porttitor.


Phoenix is a very serious but calm Mobian. She isn’t known to be an extrovert and is almost always is at her hut. She is very spiritual and therefore isn’t very fond of people speaking of them disbelieving in what she knows and sees. Even though Phoenix has a neutral demeanour and can be silent sometimes, she has severe anger issues that she struggles to control. She can get annoyed very quickly, but only when the situation fits. She can get violent and rude because of these issues. It can be hard to calm her down and therefore likes to stay away from others.

  • Unknown
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  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here. This box will scroll.
  • HOBBY: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • HOBBY: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • HABIT: Describe habit here. This box will scroll.
  • HABIT: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • HABIT: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here. This box will scroll.
  • STRENGTH: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • STRENGTH: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here. This box will scroll.
  • WEAKNESS: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • WEAKNESS: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • SKILL: Describe skill here. This box will scroll.
  • SKILL: Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • SKILL: Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.
  • Insert trivia facts about your character here. This box will scroll.
  • Donec ac ullamcorper tellus. Sed vitae turpis a arcu scelerisque consectetur eu ac leo. Etiam et sollicitudin justo.
  • Pellentesque egestas, risus in volutpat rutrum, magna leo mattis metus, et auctor leo arcu id lorem. Cras ac sodales magna.

Life forms on Mobius had just recently gone into a frenzy because Sonic had found a hot pink 8th Chaos Emerald hidden in a cave far from civilization, on his latest mission. There was only supposed to be seven. Then started going stories and speculations that there could be several more Chaos Emeralds hidden in more remote areas, and instead of there just being a small collection of 7, there are many, many more, but the minimum to activate a Super form is 7, or that evil forces, probably Dr. Robotnik, created replicas of a chaos emerald, made with the same types of chaos energy, and this is one of his schemes to achieve world domination and build Egg man Land. Phoenix had caught wind of this and decided she was going to take this new mysterious chaos emerald. She didn’t care how she got it, but she needed it, whether it ends up being fake or not. The Chaos Emerald was placed in Tails Workshop for safe keeping, so that Tails can work on finding out the Emeralds information and find out where it came from, and find out if there’s more then just one new chaos emerald.

That same night, Phoenix had devised a plan on how to access Tails’ workshop and take the emerald without getting caught. Phoenix had previously mastered witchcraft, so she had many tricks and spells up her sleeve to help her successfully take the emerald.

It took a lot of sneaking, but Phoenix ended up taking the emerald from Tails’ desk once he had left to his garage to get something, and left. She abandoned her previous home, so she doesn’t eventually get caught, and she set her new shelter in an abandoned hut in the forest a little far from the main area of Greenhill. It didn’t take long for Tails to notice, because the Chaos Emerald was missing from his workshop.

When she was safe in her home, and inspecting the emerald, she realised that it could give her power, if with her at all times. After that, she decided that she will infuse the emerald into her clothes, into her arm and leg cuffs and place one on her forehead, by cutting it up into neat and even pieces and sewing them and putting in her clothes and other items. She knew that because of how close the pieces were from each other that the chaos energy would stay in them and push some of that power into her.

Everyone was shocked when they found out Tails had so quickly lost the emerald, and they havent found it yet to this day. Most people have suspicions on Rouge because shes known to steal and admire shiny things, especially the Chaos Emeralds


Shrew is my precious little Chao.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.