
10 months, 20 days ago

Basic Info


Trans masc


May 8th 2001


Omnisexual, doesn't care will fuck you




Sells pot and coke

Living situation

Lives in a shitty little grimey ass apartment. Has a living room/kitchen, bedroom and two bathrooms he hardly cleans


Lazy, sarcastic, pessimistic, chaotic, has an addictive personality


1984 Volkswagen Rabbit (grey with black stripes down the side)


Jude is a lazy scumbag who sells coke and weed, his apartment is basement level and his guest bathroom has a mold issue and he is a big of a slob. Energy drink cans are littered throughout his apartment, along with funyun and cosmic brownie wrappers. He eats like shit but is lean as hell, he does NOT know how to cook and has no interest in learning. Likes to order kids meals and is NOT scared to ask for the girls toy. Generally he's childish and emotionally stunted. Hasn't had a real job since he was 14, makes money through pushing product and odd jobs. Has also likely sucked dick for money/coke 

He dresses in pretty grungy/punk out and about but around the house likes being a little scandalous or comfy, isn't scared to flaunt his body. 

While he's actually immortal he last was reborn in 2001, waking up without memory of his last life, he's lived dozens of times and grew bored of life a long time ago, everything feels like motions as he's likely already done everything. Everytime he does he's just reborn. so life feels ather drainimg, existential and like nothing matters. He drinks 4 lokos like they're apple juice and smokes menthol Senecas, occasionally puffing black and mild. He doesn't plan to live a long life, he wants to live fast, and go out in a firey glory. He has a chemical imbalance causing him to constantly thirst for excitement, causing him to get into situations he shouldn't. He's the type to look a mugger in the eye and taunt them just for something to do. Lives to try and feel something. The coke may have fucked with his emotions. He's impulsive and keeps scraping with death like an ex you can't get over.