Nagisa Kurata



10 months, 26 days ago


Nagisa Kurata

Nagisa Kurata
Biographical Information
蔵田 渚咲
Kurata Nagisa
Nagi-san (by Toji)
The Witch of the Forge
Personal Description
January 7
153 lbs
Hair Color
Stormy Black
Eye Color
Smokey Gray
Ryoji Kurata (son)
Curse User
Cursed Tool Forger
Special Grade 1
Voice Actor
Nagisa Kurata (蔵田 渚咲 Kurata Nagisa) is a Curse User who creates and cares for cursed tools in the Tokyo region of Japan. A shrewd businesswoman, Nagisa proudly works independently of any major power in Jujutsu Society.


Nagisa has a lean, athletic build with noticeable toned arms and flat stomach. She has long, silky blue-black hair, worn loose and grown down to her thighs. Her eyes are ash gray and she wears a moderate amount of makeup, usually dark, smokey eyeshadow and jet black nail polish. Nagisa wears a lot of accessories, from earrings and bracelets to bangles and rings- naturally, these are all cursed tools of varying ability, power, and usefulness. Her clothes are form fitting and maneuverable, as well as alluring.


As far as Nagisa's concerned, everything in the world can be judged by one simple measurement- how useful something is to her lifestyle as a Cursed Tool Forger. Things that have use to the forge, sustaining her practicies and way of life, are precious resources- and this isn't limited to objects and materials. People, too, can fall into treasured status for Nagisa. But when it comes to things that serve no used to her, Nagisa has nothing but cold regard- which can also include people.

Abilities and Powers

Overall Skill Level: Though plenty skilled, Nagisa's overall abilities and services to Jujutsu Society lie in the creation and forging of cursed tools, not combat. One would exercise caution to write her off as a threat for that alone- Nagisa would be a pretty poor foragemaster if she wasn't able to use the cursed tools she makes. She has a near infinite knowledge of weaponry and the ability to utilize everything she has ever forged, with some believing her frighteningly expansive weapon master memory is her true cursed ability.

Enhanced Stamina: Nagisa's core strength comes from her enhanced stamina and durability. If she's not honing her body through forging cursed tools, she's practicing using those cursed tools with an intense workout regimen. All of her training with her cursed tools has culminated in amazing stamina, giving her a formidable stamina pool. It's one thing to loan her tools to those who seek her services, it's another thing entirely to keep herself, her work, her products, and her way of living safe from all outside influence, be it Jujutsu Society, Curse Users, or Curses.


 Cursed Energy Manipulation 
At3qRWW.pngCursed Tool Forging (呪具 鍛造 Jugu Tanzō): Nagisa is a master of Cursed Tool Forging and has been trained in the ways of the forge from an early age, as was centuries long tradition from her family. While she is open to striking deals and loaning her cursed tools to people who interest her, it's of note that Nagisa is the foragemaster for the Snake Witch's Fang and Kiruhime- and she wants them back in her possession.


86GlHeA.pngWarehouse (倉庫 Sōko): Nagisa's base of opperations, which is also a variety of cursed tool. The inside is vastly larger than the outside, allowing Nagisa a spacious home to live in, as well as house the cursed tool forge, her storage, and inventory. As of 2006, Ryoji lives and works as an apprentice within the warehouse as well.


  • Nagisa was never enrolled in any Jujutsu Sorcery school, all of her knowledge of Jujutsu Society was passed down to her by her family.
  • Hobby: Sparring and handling cursed tools.
  • Favorite Food: Fresh fruits, such as Sekai Ichi apples and fruits produced by Sembikiya.
  • Least Favorite Food: Stir-Fried Vegetables.
  • Cause of Stress: Ryoji's future.
  • Her "theme song" is



Canon Storyline

Gojo's Past Arc

Shibuya Incident Arc


Toji Fushiguro

To read more about Nagisa and Toji, click here!

Ryoji Kurata

Ryoji is Nagisa's son, fathered by Toji Fushiguro and born after his death. Nagisa had always intended to raise Ryoji on her own, she knew what kind of man Toji was and never disillusioned herself with the idea that she could tame him, but nonetheless she marveled his power and devil-may-care take on Jujutsu Society. It was more than enough to have the bloodline of the Zenin family introduced to the Kurata family, and Nagisa treasured her son like nothing other, raising him to be everything her family had ever stood for- to carry on their traditions of Cursed Tool Forging and reap the benefits of Jujutsu Society's need for them. Nagisa is a long way off from retiring from Cursed Tool Forging or running her warehouse, but she has admitted she can die without regret knowing Ryoji will take over the Kurata family business and traditions.

Satoru Gojo

Nagisa could have easily been just as interested in Gojo for the same reasons as she was with Toji- Gojo was the definition of freedom and defying those in power who would hold you down. Well... to an extent, which is why Nagisa is actually quite neutral to him. For everything that would entice Nagisa to Satoru Gojo, the fact that he aligns himself with the good of Jujutsu Society is disappointing to her. He might be fun enough for a witty exchange of words, but that's where Nagisa's interest in Gojo begins and ends. He's too "good" to be an ally and too dangerous to be used like a tool. It's worth noting she bears Gojo no ill will for his hand in Toji's death. Toji not being long for this world was inevitable; Nagisa is actually pleased he got to go all out against Gojo in battle before meeting a satisfying end.

Megumi Fushiguro

Megumi is an utterly mediocre person to Nagisa. When she learned Toji had sired a son, she could only imagine the potential of such a wondrous child- but alas, much like Gojo, Megumi's potential was being hindered by his adherence to serving the "good" of Jujutsu Society. Which is really such a shame, given how she initially saw the boy as a diamond in the rough just waiting to be polished. She briefly entertained the idea of introducing Megumi to her work and family traditions, but decided it would be more trouble than it's worth with Gojo overseeing Megumi's development after Toji's death. Sometimes it really is better just to let sleeping dogs lie- but at the very least, Nagisa is pleased that Megumi is able to live the life he chooses outside of the Zenin family's control and influence so he can grow as he chooses.

Maki Zenin

Nagisa sees Maki in a complete contrast to Megumi. While Nagisa doesn't prefer to work with the Zenins, finding them entirely too greedy and hoarding when it comes to the cursed tools they already own, she knew Maki was different from that willful brood the moment the young woman stepped into the doors of her warehouse. The moment Nagisa set eyes on her, she knew Maki had the very same markings of genius as Toji- both of which had the stones to seek Nagisa out in the first place. Maki visited Nagisa a handful of times, seeking cursed tools at a higher craftsmanship than the Zenin's, which appeased Nagisa's ego. Maki is well aware that Ryoji carries the Zenin bloodline in him, but when Nagisa calmly asked if the younger woman would kill her son in cold blood for the crimes of the Zenin, Maki gave no answer.

Jujutsu Kaisen Version by Aruoku