

9 months, 16 days ago


good morning! (or afternoon depending on where you are lol) i am back with a NEW #CODE for your viewing pleasure! well actually its multiple codes thats the only reason im coding this whole new thing for it Yes i coded this from scratch at 10am. no its not mobile tested i assume it works though. im also mostly doing this because i probably wont put out a code next month! ): im gonna be on vacation w/o internet for the month so i gotta do a lot this month so i can relax the next YAAAY

anyways ive been working on this for the past.. eh, 10 days? i got permission a few months back to use some carrd layouts if i credited the person who made them, so a lot of these code layouts are by dbz! this was a really fun challenge, i did 1 code per day, and a lot of the carrds were made using javascript and whatnot so a lot of collapses and stuff! i hope i captured the layouts well enough ^_^

also if you can't tell ive been reading/watching bungou stray dogs lately. if youre wondering who my favorite is its oda. dazai is my hamster though