Maria Ann Smith



10 months, 25 days ago


Nabi's name: Maria Ann Smith

Pronouns: She/Her

Magic: Nature's Heart, her magic is varied, it has multiple aspects to it. Being able to sort of communicate with plants is one part. Though it isn't communication like how we would think of it. It's a lot more feeling based, she understands what plants feel and knos what they want or need based on that. She also is very good with plant being able to bring them back from near death, and help plants flourish. Plants tend to grow wonderfully and quickly when she has a hand in helping them along. She can't use her magic to create plant life where there is none though, once it's gone it's gone. She also seems to have a slight secondary magic? Or it may be part of her first magic. But she always smells sweet and lovely.

About: Maria is one of the only few who came to purgatory from the outside world. When she arrived she fell in love with the forest and all the surrounding plant life. So she decided to stay. She helps produce most of the fruit and veggies for purgatory. With the help of her kids and grandkids of course. Her biggest seller being apples and apple products.

She is fairly old, being one of if not the oldest nabi in Purgatory. She insists on everyone calling her Granny Smith, but she also Accepts, Nana, Grammy, MeMaw, and pretty much any variation of Grandma.

She also has a weird relationship with the mayor of Purgatory. Often seen arguing with him as well as mothering him sometimes. He is said to be one of the few people she doesn't always get along with, but no one can't quite figure out why. And she never says anything on the matter. Many people are curious though, as there's only a handful of people she doesn't get along with. And she usually give some reason as to why she doesn't like them. Even if it's as vauge as, the tree's don't like them.

How old is Granny? Well old enough to be a grandma. Seriously that's one of her many responses when asked. Another being older then a seed, younger then a tree. It seems the only two people who know her actual age is her husband and surprisingly enough, the mayor!

Her kids, Grandkids, and the many folks of Purgatory love asking her for stories about her life. She has many tales to tell, and many have begun to wonder how many of her stories are true and how many are made up? She always swears up and down that each story is as true as the last.

As weird, cryptic, and mysterious as she seems some times she is a well loved member of the community.