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He/Him • AGE • MBTI

"By our Wings of Justice we will take back what was once ours!"

  • DOMAIN Justice
  • RACE Hybridized Aavadian/Human - Deity
  • HEIGHT 7'3"
  • WEIGHT 295 lbs
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Endcaller - Zodiark's Theme


  • Interacting with others
  • Exploring the cosmos
  • Participating in combat
  • Creating new things


  • Lonlieness/Solitude
  • Uncertainty
  • Narrow/tight spaces
  • Needing to unsheathe his tail


Aavaderyat is an unusual deity born from even stranger conditions, operating on innate and instinctual behavior as a consequence of such. He is a large, hybridized figure with intimidating draconic features that originate from an ancient era of Estriar. Peculiarly, his upper half is of humanoid appearance resembling that of the race that resides in the modern desert region of Qraktrec.

Most of Aavaderyat's time was previously spent travelling the cosmos, purely out whimsy and curiosity. He is constantly searching for something to do, something to give him purpose, and so he is constantly wandering. He is most interested in discovering intelligent life, and goes at great lengths to open communication with alien civilizations, for the sole purpose of learning, and gathering information about various reaches of the universe.

He has proven to be an incredibly intelligent man as a result of his frequent wayfaring, though he hardly shows it. His innately awkward nature with mortal beings often downplays his true wisdom, and first impressions often paint him as a bumbling idiot.


  • An awkward man who tries his best to bring positivity and humour into any conversation. He fumbles over his words frequently, and often pauses when trying to think of the right thing to say. As he gets more accustomed to an individual, his confidence in conversations grows tremendously.
  • Despite how often he may embarrass himself with his poor conversational skills, he is a proud deity who isn't afraid to make himself known. He makes no attempt to hide who he is despite his struggles to communicate and relate to others, often unaware of how disruptive he can get.
  • Aavaderyat can get very apologetic when he is made aware that he is being inappropriate, whether he has been too loud, boisterous, or simply talking too much. He highly values politeness and maintaining the comfort of anyone he is talking to.
  • The deity can be highly protective however, and can get easily defensive, due to how he originated. Being the deity of justice, he has a fervent desire to right any wrongs in any means necessary, which can lead to a destructive nature fueled by intense righteousness.


  • Aavaderyat sports a towering figure with thick musculature to boot. He stands tall and often stands over many others, naturally demanding respect from others without uttering a single word.
  • He is a hybrid, his upper half that of a humanoid, and the other half is that of a dragon. He possesses one giant pair of tattered draconic wings that protrude from his back, though many other smaller pairs can be seen on his head, waist, and knees.
  • The most notable aspect of Aavaderyat's appearance is his tail, which is a short, solid gold tail when sheathed. When unsheathed, it reveals a tail shaped portal to another place, usually somewhere in space. Often times, it will be covered in stars, planets, and other various cosmic bodies, with golden rings wrapped around it. In this state, one can enter through the tail and find themselves elsewhere. Aavaderyat can prevent one from coming back by sheathing is tail to close the portal.
  • Interestingly, Aavaderyat is covered in multiple golden eyes with black sclera's, which are dotted across his body in a mirrored pattern to Nineverta's eyes. The one eye on his forehead is often covered by his hair intentionally, and is usually closed until it is needed. This eye allows him to make use of his summoning abilities, as it allows him to easily peer through the fabric of reality into other dimensions, to then call upon other entities for aid.


  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.


  • AWKWARD LAUGHTER: He laughs and chuckles inappropriatly when nervous or in a really awkward situation.

  • MANSPREADING: His wings tend to be splayed and spread out when sitting down, depending on where he is, he's probably blocking several other seats next to his too.

  • LOUD VOICE: Naturally his voice is very loud, even when mumbling or whispering. He tends not to notice or even try to quiet it down unless made aware of it.

  • CLUMSINESS: Strong, heavy footsteps, hardly delicate with his surroundings.


  • PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Weilds impressive physical strength, with great musculature, a stocky build, and tall stature.

  • PHSYICAL TOUGHNESS: His skin and scales are quite tough, boasting great physical defense.

  • DIMENSIONAL MANIPULATION: Excellent proficiency in dimensional magicks, being able to open and close portals to completely different universes.

  • GRAVITY MANIPULATION: Sports the ability to manipulate gravity with great control on scale and intensity.


  • LIGHT MAGIC:Exceptionally weak to light magic/bright lights in general.

  • OVERCONFIDENCE: His pride and ego can get the best of him, causing him to underestimate others and make risky decisions.

  • HIS TAIL:Others can enter other universes through his tail when it's unsheathed, thus being able to escape him if they can reach it.

  • HUGE AND SLOW:His size is a blessing and a curse, he is slower and dodging attacks isn't as easy.


  • SKILL:Works a mean barbeque hot damn.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.


  • In his old concept, he had extensive fire-based abilities and reality manipulation, whatever that meant.

  • Aavaderyat's old concept was a deity of wrath, who's main form was a rather normal looking dude with red horns.

  • His secondary name is Alister, which used to be his primary alias. In lore, Alister is a simpler alias he uses as it's easier to pronounce for mortals.

  • Aavaderyat is a childhood character that popped up in my mind years before I even made a toyhouse account.

  • The first story I wrote him in was a small roleplay discord group named "Kingdom of Gods", it managed to rack up 300 members before I shut it down. Alister, at the time, was the main character of the story who ruled alongside Nineverta who then had the alias of "Garuda."



Header 01 Header 02 Header 03


He thought he had done everything right. The prophesized hero of a bygone era- journeying across the realm, his mission to eradicate all evil that threatened it. Demons quelled, monsters slain, gods sealed, the promise of peace dangling above all that had lived by the hands of their one and only hero. Beautiful blonde locks, bright red eyes, and a smile that could charm even the most aloof mistress. They had gained insurmountable power from their trials and tribulations, stealing it from those he deemed to be misusing it. It was this overconfidence and hubris that ultimately ended in death- that of which this hero was fighting so valiantly to prevent.

His aura was unmatched, his aether transforming beyond what was natural. Twisting, blinding light bound itself so tightly into an agonizing state of overflowing energy in which is fought so hard to contain. The vessel in which it was caged in found itself unsuitable, but before the prophetic hero could reverse his mistake born out of his own hubris, his body has begun to break at the seams.

Thus, his ascension had begun. Whether the hero wished for it or not, unseen consequences had begun to ruthlessly entangle his very soul. Cracks begin to form in his delicate human flesh, destruction running rampant along his entire body as it had become soaked in his own crimson blood. He fervently yearned to scream as he fell to his knees, and yet he had already lost his voice. From the gashes in his body had formed bright, red, piercing eyes upon his arms, chest, legs, and lastly his face and forehead. His hair began to singe from a mysterious heat which had no source, slowly traveling down across his chest which causes a large portion of his skin to melt. Wings began to sprout from various areas of his body, tattered and wild in appearance, and lastly his legs had mutated to become that of an avian's talons.

When the ritual was finally complete, he had warped into an unrecognizeable being that had mutated beyond any sense of familiarity and normalcy... he had become a monster. He could still feel it- the overflowing waves of pure light aether fighting to escape this vessel, even after it had broken many of the chains binding it down by nearly destroying his body in whole. All that was good, pure, and altruistic had turned on him, and it was then that he had to make a choice. At risk of destroying himself, he made one final gambit to completely eradicate the growing corruption that he had been so tirelessly fighting- he would allow his aether to break free.


As the world was left to become a lifeless sphere of rock and sand, the once-hero had ascended from the plane of reality as it could not bear the weight of his superpowered aetherical makeup, threatening to consume more than just Estriar if it was allowed to. Fleeing through a wound in the fabric of space, he left without a trace. It seemed that would be the end of it- an entire world snuffed out in unceremonius silence...

There will always be consequences, even now. All those that had become casualties in the indiscriminate destruction had not been completely erased, as their souls had managed to escape the wave of light while their bodies could not. With no guidance, these lost meanderers would aimlessly float along the stars for some time... though they would eventually find each other. Within a dark, blank void they had formed a crowd, and with this conjoined aether accumulating in one single area, they produced a hopeful, gentle glow. That glow illuminated the roads before them, one that led to a peculiar dark dome surrounded by a desolate landscape of dried rock.

Their individuality was no longer, as they all followed the path, hypnotized by an invisible force that guided them all like a shepherd with their sheep. Few souls were left in the dust who still had their own mind, filtered out from the rest of the compliant hivemind. The dome pulsated as they neared, with a soft buzzing in all of their heads as their bodies all moved in unison. One by one, they marched into the swirling mass of darkness, and once they were all consumed by it's overpowering force... it had dissipated.

Faces of those lost, the wailing voices of the many, suffered cries and pained groans, it all joined together in a violent vortex of anguish. They had begun to become one with each other- the hivemind acting as one entity. Countless emotions, ones of resentment, grief, and a desire for justice had all clashed together, forming one unified soul. This was the birth of the deity of Justice, Aavaderyat.


Aenean vitae fermentum leo. Curabitur commodo massa et scelerisque tincidunt. Suspendisse id mollis tortor. Ut tincidunt nibh ut ultrices porttitor. Fusce molestie lacus eu nisi facilisis ullamcorper. Duis ut interdum lacus. Quisque mattis suscipit vestibulum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam pretium finibus lacus vitae varius.

Praesent ultricies justo in velit gravida lacinia. Etiam rhoncus tincidunt dolor quis posuere. Donec faucibus augue eget aliquet tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc rutrum vestibulum faucibus. Nullam id sem in magna scelerisque ullamcorper. Suspendisse condimentum quis elit vestibulum rhoncus. In efficitur, massa eu maximus semper, dolor nibh pretium enim, ut pulvinar enim erat ac augue. Integer suscipit nunc laoreet, luctus arcu id, pulvinar nunc. Aliquam et imperdiet risus. Etiam bibendum vehicula orci. Donec vitae nisi velit.


Relationship 01 Relationship 02 Relationship 03


  • Describe the characters' dynamic here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' history/ relationship progression here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' dynamic here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' history/ relationship progression here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' dynamic here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe the characters' history/ relationship progression here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • Describe miscellaneous facts about the characters' relationship here. You can choose to keep it as point form or write it as paragraphs. Whatever works best for you. This box will not scroll, but it will expand the more that is written and match the height of the box beside it.
  • Donec dignissim finibus dui quis maximus. Sed molestie, tellus vel pellentesque efficitur, eros diam cursus nunc, vel egestas diam elit vel ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacus vitae mattis pellentesque.
  • Vestibulum gravida ante nisl, sit amet placerat diam molestie vel. Quisque scelerisque massa nec mollis aliquet. In a lectus lorem.
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.
Code by Aurorean