


10 months, 1 day ago


EXCUSE THE RUSHED DESIGN PRETTY PLEASE. i quite literally drew this with 1% remaining on my ipad HELP

ill add wip info in a second

(wip info)



Ghost Girl university student at Pan’s school studying to be a Counselor (Specifically relationship counselor). Incredibly go with the flow, very relationship positive + all for dat COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSING YOURSELF, she’s incredibly open and supportive especially to people who are anxious. She became friends with Pan because she noticed she was anxious going to her university in person for the first time and decided to buddy up with her and eventually ended up realizing shes cool and ends up being her friend. She also is the Pan Yuni wing woman. Because she is. YIPEE!

She got inspired to pursue counselling because her parents were in constant turmoil and in a divorce while she was growing up, leaving her isolated and feeling alone. Then she watched (im being so serious) an isekai anime about a girl landing in a land full of monsters, except the twist is instead of romancing them, she romances them with one another. This plus her personal life got put together into wanting to become a positive influence and wanting to encourage healthy relationships for others to pursue and wanting to help be that change. She finds a lot of joy out of helping people and the energy that comes from that.

She’s a bit of a party animal in a way, though she doesn’t have a lot of close friends, she’s very openly and unashamedly herself. She doens’t care much about what others think of her which makes her a good foil for Pan who is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. She helps bring out the best in Pan, and Pan helps bring out the best in her too. They also bond over the trauma of being anime fans. Because itd be funny.