


9 months, 24 days ago


(This character was first drawn by and UMA on Chicken Smoothie Called Highland Tracker Collies V2. I have made them into my own OC)

As a puppy, Jukebox didn’t have a name. He was nameless. He was born among the streets with wild dogs who lurked in the shadows of the city. He learned there to fend for himself and get food wherever he could find it. From trash bins or even unassuming people who sat in the city park or casually walking with food in hand.

One day, he got a little too cocky about it and unfortunately there was a cop nearby. The cop was able to wrestle Jukebox to the ground (he was still young so this wasn’t much of a feat). He was put in the pound. About a week later, he was adopted! As much as his owner tried to please him, it didn’t last long. He was able to escape and back to the streets he went! He would be smarter this time around…

As he got older he was more and more set in his ways. Then one day he was searching for trash behind a large building. Suddenly there was big booming sounds. He was startled for a moment. No one was around… The booming sounds continued. It seemed to be coming from the large building he was next to. He got closer.. There was more than the booms. There was other sounds too. Like a human making very beautiful noises when they spoke. Accompanied by other sounds that echoed the same tone as the voice. He listened for a moment. And wanted to move along with the sounds. This was fun! He HAD to hear it clearer!

He moved along the side of the building until he found the entrance. Humans were walking in through a door. He knew he would probably get caught and be in trouble, but he just HAD to hear the sound more clear! So as the next people opened the door, he slipped through under their feet. They were surprised and people around him were startled. But he made his way through to the room with the beautiful sound!

He couldn’t help himself, he started jumping around and howling with the music. He even saw some humans dancing and attempted to copy their movement. Before long, people were clapping and shouting at him. This wasn’t the way they usually handled him. They didn’t seem like they were calling for him to come… they were cheering him on! When the police came, they stopped in their tracks and started cheering along with the other humans!

Eventually the song cam to an end and there was roaring applause. People asked each other who this dog belonged to. But of course, no one claimed him. He didn’t truly belong to anyone.

Until… the person who had adopted him just a year or so before came up to him. He recognized her face. What was she doing here? “What are the odds I’d find you here?” she asked. She pet his head. “Should we dance some more?”. Another song came on and Jukebox sat for a moment in awe that this person who had adopted him started dancing too! He danced with her and he realized this person was perfect for him!

After the night was over, he reluctantly went home with his new owner and friend. Fitting to his looks and his love for music, she named him Jukebox.

And that is the story of his name and his passion.