


10 months, 25 days ago


An evil version of Steve, from a bad timeline.

Steve's blood and most of his organs have been replaced with nanotechnology, which takes the form of a thick black goo. The nanotechnology grows back any part of his body that is injured, and he does not feel pain. His skeleton has been replaced with a synthetic carbon material that is incredibly durable and can be sharpened, so he often injures himself on purpose to turn his body into a weapon. His body seems even more tall and thin than before, and there's an inhuman uncanny valley effect to it. Nanotechnology has torn his brain apart and put it back together again so many times that his reasoning has become deeply flawed. He believes himself to be incredibly intelligent, but he's petty and deranged, projecting his flaws onto his enemies. Because he is a Living Weapon, he craves violence and bloodshed, with a goal to kill, torture, and cannibalize as many people as possible. He's weirdly upbeat about this, and doesn't seem to realize that it's morally wrong.