


11 months, 3 days ago



Name Callahan
Called Dynasty Emperor; Dominion Domino
Age young adult
Gender male (he/him)
Species Golden Greek Nightfury
Mate Oliver
Family Relations n/a
Theme Song link


  • Oliver
  • running water (particularly waterfalls)
  • hot black coffee
  • cinnamon


  • his late royal father
  • content
  • content
  • content


Born to the Dynasty Emperor as his only living heir, Callahan’s early life was not one fraught with love and affection. His mother died when he was just a young hatchling, leaving his upbringing in the claws of a neglectful father and the palace attendants.

Callahan learnt pretty early on that his father was a terrible ruler, and thus formed the plan to succeed him prematurely. He saw the Empire languish and rot and die beneath the harsh and uncaring rule of his father, the poorer sickening and drowning in debt and the rich lavishing in the finest riches and filthiest of wealth. He saw the human hunters grow bolder, the need for a strong army increasing and yet the number of trained fighters dwindling. Thus, he sought the throne from his father.

Callahan, in his extensive reading and studying of the ancient histories of his line, learnt of the archaic practice of ritual duel. By the laws of such practice, the heir to the throne could challenge the Emperor to a fight to the death for the glory of the Empire.

The young Golden Greek Nightfury had resolved to challenge his father, and not a day later did a certain beautiful, powerful Fantail come to the Capital Jewel. Callahan was awed and enraptured near instantly by Oliver, by his strength and his courage and his determination despite his grief. He knew then this Fantail was someone to align himself with and to put his trust in, promising Oliver advisorship once he became Emperor.

Callahan did go through with the duel, winning a difficult victory over his father, but it was less heroic than he had imagined. Killing his father was (understandably) extremely traumatic and painful for him, the throne coming at the cost of paranoia, insomnia, and brutal nightmares that often tore him from a fretful slumber.

The only comfort from these nightmares was Oliver, who one night discovered the young Emperor in such a fit of unconscious horror. Oliver immediately rushed to comfort him, snuggling up to the young Emperor in an attempt to soothe him. But it was Oliver’s bioluminescent markings, glowing faintly in the dark room, that really comforted and calmed Callahan in sleep, acting as a sort of nightlight to ease his mind. This is the incident that really began the shift of their relationship to romantic, although other, smaller incidents of affection had preceded this one.

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