Drengéar Tribe



6 years, 28 days ago


The Drengéar Tribe

"We've abandoned the gods, just as they have abandoned us"

[Basic information]

(Basic tribe info)


[ The rite ]

All young toskals that are born into the tribe are allowed to explore and live a normal puphood. They are taught the basics of survival by an appointed mentor or by their parents. Once a pup leaves the tribe to head out on their rite they are not always expected to return. But those who do, are greeted by a large celebration. This celebration is known as the "Náht Monaand is only held during the new moon. During this celebration each of the generals are placed around a bonfire, in front of them there is a small hollowed out bowl holding paint - the paint inside is the color corresponding to every generals branch, the four branches of the tribe. The newly returned toskal is then instructed to walk towards the general of their chosen branch.  The General of said branch stands with the bowl in hand and paints the toskal with their branches' color. They are then given an oath to abide by, and are sworn into that branch. 

Afterwards a large celebration is hosted by each branch separately to welcome their new members and give the elder members time to indulge in all the booze their bellies can hold. This ritual is usually held after at least 3 toskals have returned from their rite but some exceptions can be made.

[ The Lovers dance ]

The lovers dance is an ancient tradition that managed to survive the transition of the tribe from a religion base to one of pillaging and thievery. When a couple is formed, a mating ceremony is held by the couples family or close friends, sometimes even the factions that the two may work in. The ceremony is full of food and drinks, berries and all sorts of beautiful decorations and towards the end of said ceremony the couple must walk out into the center of the celebration and preform a dance. Every dance is unique to each couple, they rehearse it weeks in advance of the ceremony and at the end of the Lovers dance they are pronounced official mates by one or both of the kings of the tribe.

The ceremonies don't always have to be public, and some pairs don't ever hold them to avoid dragging attention to themselves or just for the sake of valuing their own privacy. And while this ritual isn't mandatory, most tend to partake in it regardless, especially those who are descendants from the original tribe and value the spiritual bonding the dance is supposed to represent.


(Pic of map)

The Drengéar Tribe is located close to the vast waters of the ocean, and closed in by a small range of mountains. The main base for their operations and living areas is rather small and difficult to find, though they do occasionally set up camps places that they have captured, as well as fake head-quarters to trick those attempting to find the heart of the tribe. 

The tribe mostly survives off of fishing or hunting small critters that live in the crevasses of rocks, though hunting on the mountain is rather dangerous and isn't very common. Other separate groups sometimes are organized to head out to forage for prey further out. Though a great deal of their exotic meats and herbs are plundered from other tribes, or trade routes established between other tribes.

The different branches all have smaller head-quarters and separate little sections within the heart of the tribe where branch members may choose to rest their heads in the bunking huts, as well as were work is posted on a large board outside the generals hut. Missions are organized in each section or by the kings themselves, as well as daily tasks dulled out to help the tribe. The branches frequently interact with one another when doing these tasks, but usually are not allowed in another branches head-quarters unless on special business, more out of privacy for each branch than anything.

There is a section in the tribe thats the equivalent of a main square, theres a small pub, trading booth as well as a small nursery thats tucked away hidden and well guarded . The main square is closest to the ocean and also has a small makeshift dock where the fishermen fish and voyagers set out over the sea. 


(Master list of members)