Lil' Fuzzy






The Spiky Nut Pokémon!

  • Name  -->  Lil' Fuzzy
  • Pronouns   --> He/Him
  • Role   --> Partner 'Mon
  • Height   --> 1' 5"
  • Weight   --> 20.1 lbs.
- Bashful ---- Scatters things often -

First born son of Devon, Little Fuzzy has a few confidence issues due to his doting and overprotective mother. ESPECIALLY when she's nearby! He's far more likely to go out on a limb and try something new if she isn't watching. This is partly because her hovering means he's never really been left to his own devices, so he doubts his own (untested) instincts, and partly because he loves her a lot and just... doesn't want to make her worry if he doesn't have to. Since hitting the road with his trainer* though, Little fuzzy is slowly but surely getting stronger and gaining faith in his own abilities. Though he still never takes off the shrinky-dink charm Devon made him! It looks like a little mushroom. Because Fuzzy loves mushrooms. *Devon's trainer is the parent of Fuzzy's trainer - thus Fuzzy and his trainer grew up together, and Devon served as a nanny to them both.

  • Ability   --> Overgrow
  • Hid. Ability   --> Bulletproof
  • Moves:

    GrassIC_Big.webp Grass Pledge

    NormalIC_Big.webp Substitute

    GrassIC_Big.webp Wood Hammer

    BugIC_Big.webp Pin Missile