

11 months, 13 hours ago


They / He

Captain Currant is the leader of a group of space pirates who just happened to pick up Captain Olimar's SOS signal. Seeing dollar signs at the mention of treasure, Currant decided (against his co-pilot's advice) that they needed to head for the planet and make off with as much as they could find. As one might expect, as soon as they approached the planet, the ship's systems went haywire and sent them crashing down to the surface. Currant is still trying to find half of their crew.

He talks a lot of big game and has quite the ego, but only half the skill to back it up. Regardless, they love their crew and their crew loves them. He also tends to be a bit of a flirt, but gets flustered when people do the same thing to him.

Has a weapon attached to his helmet rather than a light and it sheathes into a slot on the back of his suit.

Huge WIP, still jotting things down