


10 months, 16 days ago


Name Cliffrush

Former Names Cliffpaw

Age 68 Moons

Gender Female (she/they)

Orientation Bisexual Polyamorous

Mentor Falconfang

Former Mentor Zephyrfrost

Rank Warrior

Residence PeakClan

Voiceclaim Kipo - KatAoWB


Cliffrush is describably as a somewhat short-legged calico she-cat with cream, orange, and dark brown fur. She has a white chin, top of her chest, paws, and tail-tip. She has large, wide, green eyes. Her ears are a pale pink/tan, matching her nose. One corner of her nose is slightly darker than the rest.

Cliffrush's fur is quite short in comparison to other PeakClan cats, but it starts to grown longer and fuller as she ages. In her apprentice age, she will have started to grown a small "semi-mane" on the back of her neck and thicker fur along her spine and tail. When an adult, her fur will have filled-out to a suitable thickness for the cold temperatures of PeakClan territory while still dawning the semi-mane and extra thick fur along her spine.

Design notes
  • Cliffrush's fur is thinner than her clanmates.
  • Cliffrush's legs are short, but muscular.
  • Cliffrush is later named after her 'rush' attack she learns during training under Falconfang.
  • Cliffrush has short whiskers.
  • Cliffrush's tail is slightly longer than average.

Cliffrush is an excitable, curious she-cat who wears her heart on her shoulder. Sometimes this causes her to become over-emotional or reactive when passionate about topics. Despite her excitability, she does her best to listen to those around her, stay out of trouble, and make her clanmates proud.

However after witnessing events at the paws of Ryestar, Cliffrush became more withdrawn and cautious. She is worried to make a 'wrong move' in the eyes of her leader and clan, afraid but determined to keep herself and others safe.

  • Hunting
  • Stars
  • Sharing prey with her clanmates
  • Gatherings
  • Making others happy
  • Vulturestrike, Burnbite
  • Excessive violence
  • Yelling/being yelled at
  • Failure
  • Blood
  • Lies
  • Ryestar


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Cliffkit was born about 17 moons after her older brother, Tawnyyawn. While a kit, she spent spent a large portion of her time with her brother, the newly-made warrior opting to be around his little sister. The pair's parents were not around commonly, so much so that Tawnyyawn soon took the mantle of teaching Cliffkit the 'rights' and 'wrongs' of being a PeakClan cat. As a result, Cliffkit didn't develop much attachment to their parents. Instead, she considered her brother as her guardian as well as her brother. At first, Tawnyyawn was unsure what to do to care for the young kit. Learning from cats of PeakClan who had cared for/were caring for kits, he worked hard to teach his sister best he could.

Apprenticed at six moons, Cliffpaw began her apprenticeship under PeakClan warrior Zephyrfrost. Nervous at first due to the circulating rumors towards the black and white tabby, she was surprised to see him form a sort of "soft-spot" for her. More kind and supportive than he likely would have been, Cliffpaw felt both happy and proud of be his apprentice. Sadly, her time as his apprentice was short-lived. On one fateful afternoon, Zephyrfrost angered a grieving Ryestar and was promptly maimed in front of their clanmates. Withnessing the event first-hand, Cliffpaw was left scarred and fearful of her clan's leader. Tasked alongside Falconfang, ironically the warrior who was Zephyrfrost's own mentor, to escort (carry) the warrior to Golden Beach... that evening was the time she saw the warrior alive.

Reassigned to Falconfang, she was wary at first to become attached to her new mentor. As moons went by, she was thankful to be given patience and kindness as the pair grieved Zephyrfrost as their mentor and apprentice respectively. With her trust earned later on, Cliffpaw learned many new skills and life-lessons under the cream and darker tabby. During her apprenticeship, she was given the inspiration for her namesake training with Falconfang. Co-developed with Falconfang, the pair of she-cats created a variation of a move nicknamed a 'rush' of somekind. Creating her own version of this move, Cliffpaw's signature move was made and dubbed the "rush manuver."

During the apprenticeship under Falconfang, Cliffrush began to grow closer to Vulturepaw after an arguement that revealed just how hurt and scared Zephyrfrost's exile left her. After this was known to her, Vulturepaw began to spend more time around Cliffpaw out of a strong need to protect the kind-hearted and passionate calico. Furhter into their apprenticeships, Cliffpaw was informed by Witheredpaw (later known as Witheredbliss), the mottled calico realized her own feelings had begun to grow more and more affectionate towards Vulturepaw. Not only did she find the apprentice beautiful, she enjoyed her prescence more and more each day. She often found herself looking forward each day to seeing her. Spurred on by her feelings, Cliffpaw approached Vulturepaw and confessed her affections towards her. When Vulturepaw admitted to returning the feelings, both apprentices were overjoyed and began to spend more time together to further their bonds.

Named a warrior of PeakClan, Cliffpaw became "Cliffrush." Very soon after becoming a warrior she and Vulturepaw, now Vulturestrike, became mates. Excited beyond glee for this, Cliffrush and Vulturestrike began their official relationship. Soon into their relationship, Cliffrush began to realize developing feelings for another PeakClan warrior named Burnbite. Unsure how to feel about this, she said nothing and began to consider what it meant and what she could do. She knew, however, that she still loved Vulturestrike adamantly. She would never wish to betray her mate's trust. It was not long after becoming a warrior that she met with Shiverstar, the leader of MeadowClan that she had gotten close with, and learned of Zephyrfrost's untimely death from his wounds and Greencough. Hurt and saddened by this revelation, Cliffrush grieved with her closest clanmates.

Later into her warriorship, at one of the first few Gatherings of her time being a warrior, Ryestar shocked the clans by announcing her threat of war against MeadowClan and Groveclan. As the clans began to depart, Cliffrush attempted to sneak away to catch up with the MeadowClan leader and asked to meet with her at a later time with the intentions to talk. Successful in planning this, Cliffrush returned to her clanmates under the belief she had not been seen. However, she was incorrect to think this when she was informed by Ryestar she had been briefly seen. Already afraid of the PeakClan leader, Cliffrush vowed to prove her loyalty to PeakClan however she could.


  • Cliff — She was named about an attribute of the territory she was born in.
  • -rush — Named after the "rush" move that Cliffrush created during her apprentice training under Falconfang.
  • Cliffrush is easily exciteable, and it is even easier to tell when she is excited due to the fact that her fur spikes/fluffs up into soft little bristles of calico fur.
  • Cliffrush's favorite type of prey are thrushes!

Older brother

Cliffrush adores and idolizes her older brother, closest to him between him and their parents. She trusts him and listens to him for advice and comfort in times of need. Once, Cliffrush thought of trying to tie flowers of somekind to her fur to mimic Tawnyyawn's chamomile, but gave up when she couldn't decide which to use.

(Original) Former mentor

Her first mentor, but sadly only her mentor for a couple moons before his near-death and exile from PeakClan. She respects him now more than ever for facing against Ryestar, even if it was a bad idea. She hopes more than nearly anything he makes a fully recovery from the brutal beating at the claws of his former leader so she can see him again one day. Later made aware of his death to both his injuries and Greencough, Cliffrush mourned her first mentor with only her closest friends and kin. She hopes to the Stars that he had a safe and restful journey joining their ancestors.

Best friend

Witheredbliss is considered to be Cliffrush's best friend and protector. Cliffrush and Witheredpaw witnessed the execution of Mountainbelly together, both consequently vowing to the other that they would try to keep each other safe from harm. Cliffrush idolizes the slightly older apprentice, and will often seek her out for conversation.

After Zephyrfrost's exile, Witheredbliss became an important source of comfort for Cliffrush. She trusts the older cat nearly as much as her brother, Tawnyyawn.


Assigned to her apprenticeship after Zephyrfrost's banishment, she was once afraid to feel very attached to her new mentor out of fear she will be taken away as well. Having learned to trust her new mentor, Cliffrush idolizes the older warrior and all she's taught her. She looks forward to speaking with her mentor whenever possible, often enjoying spending afternoons with her chatting about their days and things that they wished to do.

PeakClan Leader

Ryestar is a powerful cat in Cliffrush's eyes, for good and bad reasons. Cliffrush trusts the fact that Ryestar is a strong leader, but does not trust in her decisions often. Many times over, Cliffrush has been afraid of her leader... for good reason too. After Zephyrfrost and later on her own personal confrontation with Ryestar, Cliffrush does not feel safe alone with the PeakClan leader. She will often stay close to her clanmates, especially Vulturestrike, if she needs to be in the close proximity of her leader.

Best Friend/Mate

Vulturestrike, Cliffrush's mate, is a cat Cliffrush adores to be around. Her blunt but caring personality is something Cliffrush feels drawn to consistently, but thats also not to mention she finds the fellow PeakClan cat to be quite beautiful. Cliffrush could swear her heart skips a beat when Vulturestrike talks to her without any given reason. Cliffrush will often try to go out of her way to find her favorite type of prey when hunting.

Cliffrush trusts Vulturestrike with her life and has vowed both to herself and Prickleweed that she would spend her life keeping Vulturestrike safe and happy. No matter how dangerous or confusing the life of a clancat may be, Cliffrush made a promise... and she would be remiss if she didn't follow it through.


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