TBN's Comments

I  somehow remembered 17th and not 12th, sorry :D

but here's the winner ♥

congrats, Eclipse-On-Earth ^^


Subscribed to both TH accounts!! My favourited halloween candy is simple: Kitkats!

Your tickets are 36 and 37 ♥ good luck

Anything dark chocolate is my favorite c: Faved this and subbed to both your TH accounts ♡

Your tickets are 34 and 35 ♥ good luck

aww how beautiful 😍 I love the forest color palette characters I hope I still have the opportunity to participate , I already follow you on your two accounts on th and Instagram. I also gave it a favorite my favorite sweet is candy apples

My ig is sl_aulicornii

Your tickets are 31, 32 and 33 ♥ good luck

(and thank you ♥)

Already subbed to this account but I subbed the other one, Faved, I'm already following on instagram @CozmicCreaturez & My favorite candy are almond joys! ♥

Your tickets are 28, 29 and 30 ♥ good luck

Subbed n faved! Fav candy is sour candy!

Your ticket is 27 ♥ good luck

Subbed both and faved Fav candy in general is mounds... halloween wise.. do popcorn balls count lol

Your tickets are 25 and 26 ♥ good luck

Entering!! Faved this and already subbed on both accounts!!

Followed on ig! ( Same user as here! ) and actually... i dont have fav halloween candy, i just love everything that is SOUR lol.

Thank you so much for chance <3

Your tickets are 22, 23 and 24 ♥ good luck

Did all except bulletin! Ig: Connundreigon (alr following)

subbed to both accounts, faved and my fav Halloween candy is Reese’s cups !

ty 4 the opportunity!

Your tickets are 19, 20 and 21 ♥ good luck

Favved this and subbed! My favorite Hallowen candy is just any gummy lmao I love gummies

Your ticket is 18 ♥ good luck

Faved this and subbed to both accounts! My fave is probably white chocolate

Your tickets are 16 and 17 ♥ good luck

This user is not visible to guests.

Your ticket is 15 ♥ good luck

Faved char, my fave Halloween candy is Twix, or cookies and cream Hershey’s, subbed, subbed to other Toyhouse, followed insta: wolf.ez06, :)

Your tickets are 12, 13 and 14 ♥ good luck

Faved and subbed!

Your ticket is 11 ♥ good luck

Faved this character, following both your accounts here <3

They don't have specific types of Halloween candies here - my favourite candy in general is probably "Jaffas" which is a round chocolate ball coated in an red hard candy shell (the candy smells and tastes like oranges) they're delicious but sometimes the red color gets on your hand while you eat ^_^

Your tickets are 9 and 10 ♥ good luck

candy corn, subbed, and faved!

Your ticket is 8 ♥ good luck

Faved, subbed to both TH and followed on insta (same name) and bulletin
I koved the halloween m&ms they had last year. Cookies & Scream

Your tickets are 5, 6 and 7 ♥ good luck

already subbed here! Subscribed to your other account   more lil guys to see!

my favorite hallovveen candy is pink lemonade lollipops

Your tickets are 3 and 4 ♥ good luck

Favorite, already subscribed to both accounts, my favorite candy is mazapan 

Your tickets are 1 and 2 ♥ good luck